Maybe I am naive, or perhaps my views do draw lines and boundaries. However I like to feel, and hope that those who know me, that I am rather open minded and tolerant of things that are new and different to me. Some of these things can be quite hard to comprehend and scary; the way to get around this is to ask the questions that are needed:-
Ask now and sound like an idiot for 5 minutes, or don't ask and be an idiot for life.
I just hope that my curiousity and attempts to understand do not hurt or offend anyone.
Coming back to 'lines drawn'; sometimes it can be dangerous to rub them out. They apply structure to ones life, epecially as we must live with other people in this world. A 'Lord of the Flys' type world without lines and boundaries is a dangerous place.
Ask now and sound like an idiot for 5 minutes, or don't ask and be an idiot for life.
I just hope that my curiousity and attempts to understand do not hurt or offend anyone.
Coming back to 'lines drawn'; sometimes it can be dangerous to rub them out. They apply structure to ones life, epecially as we must live with other people in this world. A 'Lord of the Flys' type world without lines and boundaries is a dangerous place.
Lines of racism whereby people do not "consort" with people of another race because of the beliefs they have about that race or culture should most definitely be removed.
Lines of sexism that do not allow a woman to be strong or a man to do what he wants for fear of having his sexuality "questioned" should most definitely be removed.
Lines of sexuality that tell a woman it's not okay to want and it's not okay to come, but she most certainly must be available to "her man", as well as the idea that a man has entire pressure to "perform" or to not want certain things in bed, these lines too must erased.
Lines that hold in structure and order which are based on common human/ civil interests are the only lines which should be applied to daily life. Christian-based morals on living your own life (in my opinion) have no place. Being good to others and doing your best to make the world a better place are the only fundamentals that matter.
You are naive, but I think in many ways it is terribly sweet. I hope that you can have a deeper understanding of things. I think you can.
And remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question, there are only stupid answers...
(I would most certainly have been burned at the stake as a witch if I had lived in another time. Actually, right-wingers are on the rise, maybe there is hope yet in my lifetime! Yeah, I'm cheeky...)
[Edited on May 26, 2003]