just finished a huuuuggggee conversation with my mate tuesday, the girls head is a goldmine for the weird and wonderful! tryin to get her to start a blog and will keep everyone updated as it happens but i definately think she should! but now i've read all the stuff thats come out of the convo i'm feeling inspired so i shall share with you xD
but let me start by saying although i am severly lacking money (down to my last 60 quid, booooo!) i'm rather enjoying life at the moment

Charlie's in Berlin and i'm missing her but sounds like she's having fun and i get a couple of txts off her a day so its nice to think that she thinks of me. and every time i think of her i get huugggggeeeeee smiles

ok, thats the gripes and gushing done for today

ooo, quick aside, everyone should add sleepingdoll on my friends list, shes a lovely girl and an insomniac and i think she'd appriciate the lovely late night chats i have with you all

first up, weapons!! you might not know this but i fenced for 3 years (posh i know, but if you know me you'll know im anything but) and was talking weapons with tues, she put me on to this website!
some gorgeous stuff on there and good prices too! if ur in england anyway! now i'm a saber and epee man myself, id love to dress up all steam punk and walk around with an old school cutless or saber

not obviously a weapon, would look good in an entrance hall, and its enscribed with an art of war quote, and i can still twat ppl with it if they piss me off!!
next, the girl managed to rekindle my love of medcial antiques! i used to be obsessed with old anotomical models, they were so weird and beautiful back then, and the level of detail was immense! look at this spine model for instance

mad! love it thou! also found an old set of opthalmic scalpels that look really pretty!
i want! i'd display them in my study and randomly carve stuff into things when i'm bored! load of interestin stuff on that site though so have a look!
next is abit grim so i'm gona put it in spoilers, really, only look if uv got a strong stomach!!! you've been warned...
if you didnt read the spoilers i shall explain now, we were talking about mangas and one of my favourites has allways been what my dad allways called a superviolence one itchi the killer where theres a 'bad guy' called kakihara who has a chelsea smile, like the ones popularised lately by the joker in batman. little did i know that this is actually from a japanease legend of the Kuchisake-onna, or slit-mouth woman. heres the wiki article
but the basic story is that she turns up on street corners and askes you if shes beautiful. loving this legend, i think stuff like this is well interesting! read the article, its only short and it may well inspire one or two of u
wow! its a long ass one today aint it! well its now half 3 and i'm gona read one of these tokyo red hood things and try to sleep! sweet dreams everyone, hope uv enjoyed this installment of my life story i leave u with a pic of me looking nice and smart this mornin goin to a job thing!
sweet dreams all Jiminez xx