evening all, how are you all? i got more face metalness
a second ring in just next to my old one on the right, its a size bigger than its brother but it still looks cool
just wanted to say that i'm in a really good mood today
got 2 2:1's last semester for my storys
i got my first assignment in uni that felt like it was actually a third year peice of work rather than the same old thing with a bigger word count. gota write a sequence of 4/5 poems that epress the existance of a person of the opposite sex, rather than describing the person or them doing something. def gona have to work on this one
and i'l be seein my charlie again in 18 days
god damn this whole long distance thing is so hard sometimes
she's worth every heart tug thou! todays gona be a pic of me and her on msn, we were playing with our teddys the other night, yes i have a teddy, and id just finished on the phone while she tried to distract me with her elmo's xD god this girl makes me smile like a loon!
my lip looks fat as coz its 2 days after i had it peirced and the scar tissue it had to go through swelled up like a bitch!! and i'm jsut generally looking rough while she looks stunning as ever. its still freezing in the house so i've got my student ambassador sweater on over a fleece! lol! stylin that day!
anyway, enough excuses! sweet dreams everyone, hope ur all well
thanks to anyone thats added me/accepted my add in the last few days, hope ur enjoying my ramblings and pics!
Jiminez x
my lip looks fat as coz its 2 days after i had it peirced and the scar tissue it had to go through swelled up like a bitch!! and i'm jsut generally looking rough while she looks stunning as ever. its still freezing in the house so i've got my student ambassador sweater on over a fleece! lol! stylin that day!
anyway, enough excuses! sweet dreams everyone, hope ur all well
Jiminez x