Well, i'm going to stop complaining about my wife in my journal. Bad enough she's almost ruined my life, and i hers, i don't want her ruining my journal.

Had a drum lesson tonight. Went very well. Got some cool stuff to practice.

Have to start going apartment hunting. Finally i'll be able to start enjoying my miserable life!
well I live in center city philly I lights aren't as pretty as out in the suburbs.
i was only married 2 years.......could have been for an eternity if my husband weren't a misogynistic piece of shit.
My wife and i barely spoke two words to each other today. I really don't know what to say to her, and really don't want to even talk to her anyway.

Went to the mall - had the urge for an Antie Anne's pretzel and a frozen mocha. It was good.

The mall was pretty empty - guess the rain kept people home. I got...
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To celebrate the news of the upcoming divorce I drank 3 beers and a nice shot of tequila. Felt very nice. Immature? Yes. Do i give a flying two-bit fuck? No.

My wife came home while i was still drinking the third beer. We just looked at each other and then she went to bed. I stayed up and watched tv. The last thing i...
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has she seen the nipple piercings yet...???
Did you do that next to her in bed shocked haha say you guys sleep in different beds or something.
Oh well to be perfect to more then just outer..and my outer is far from...but perfect is everything.
I use to be on them (well mood stablizers) but I am taking a not to smart break from em.

Cymbal Crashes: X X X X X X X XXXXXXXX

My wife calls me and tells me to look under the pillow and read the note she left. Before i even read it, i know what it is. I dont' really care. I go back to cleaning a few dishes....
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well if it's going to make the two of you a better person...then yay to that....i wish i would have divorced my ex sooner....could've saved a lot of valuable time!
some people are just not meant to be..at least you can move on..
Yeah I guess if you didn't go...i want to go to the mall..but to shop not to like meet anyone or anything.
Well, i never got to finish what i started last night. Just as my cock was getting hard, my wife came home. She always has to ruin my fun!

I'm going to zone out and do some drum rudiments while i watch tv.

Tomorrow i'll go to the mall to check out women and do some xmas shopping.

What are the odds that i'll meet...
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awwww.....damn....you should be able to enjoy your wife and not be able to enjoy yourself with her...that sux
its okay I get long winded sometimes....
well maybe you did get some and your still getting some...
Spent the last two days with my wife. What a bummer. She just bores and annoys me to tears. Why do i stay with her?

It's a week and a half since the nipple piercing and she still doesn't know i did it. Too funny! Eventually i'll be forced to be intimate with her...........and i'll say i'm cold and leave my shirt on. LOL. I...
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Well, i'm on my second beer now. Starting to feel good. I'll probably play some drums, then some videogames, then do the nasty with myself. I'll take my beefy hard cock in my hands and fantasize about ex-girlfriends, my wife's sister, girls i used to work with, etc....... I'll tease myself with soft strokes, rubbing the knobby head.....My balls will start tingling......

I better stop..........
Been having crappy days lately. I think it's because i haven't been taking my walks. I need to MOVE!!

I've been enjoying masturbating the last few days. It is said that the best things in life are free......

The hi-hat pedal on my drum set needs some customizing, so i've been planning on how to do it. If i fuck it up, then i'm out...
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a massage with a happy ending? wink

aww that's so sweet that you listed me as a crush! kiss
and i've been removed from a crush frown
Today was a pretty crappy day.

I'll probably masturbate tonight. Hope it's a good one. wink
hehehe...that's hilarious wink
it was ok as far as thanksgivings go...

hope your day got better.
I think the next bodymod i'm going to do is a vasectomy. After spending time with family, i realize that i definitely don't want to have any more children. I just don't have the patience for it and don't really enjoy spending almost all my time cleaning up after and disciplining a bunch of selfish, unkind, brats. The only time they seem to act nice...
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Had a drum lesson tonight. Getting into some really cool stuff now.

HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg!

I'm still deciding on the tattoo. Should i or shouldn't i?
You only live once and the tattoo girl is awesome, so all signs point to yes!
i don't eat tuna....eck. Just make sure you are sure about the design you get thats all. Tattoo's are a good thing.
Let's see, what did i do today?
Well, i put in a new faucet in the bathroom. Tomorrow i'll do the other one. Looks nice.

What did i do that was fun?
Ummm....... i masturbated this morning...that's about it. Wasn't even that great an orgasm. Made a mess for nothing.
I'm downgrading my thoughts on SG to "It's Ok". Actually i still love it, but i just did a hookup search and it seems that the guys outnumber the girls on this site by 10 to 1. You would think that a site called "SuicideGirls" it would be the other way around. Or maybe i just live in a too conservative area, where there aren't many SuicideGirls. Who knows?
hmm well I mean there are over 300 SG's and they are nekkid...so yeah I would think that would attract alot of male members.
The weather was great today and being that my wife is not really talking to me, (she does this often), i spent some time in the yard raking leaves. I took my sweet time so it wouldn't bother my freshly pierced nipples. No problem.

It was great to be outdoors in the fresh air. Work is good for the soul too.

I'm going to take...
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i'm sure you wife wldn't knock back you going down on her. now she must be some kinda weird woman if she does! eeek
Well, the only way i can get into going down on her, is that i have to fantasize that she is someone else. Sad, but true.