Thought that I wasn't going to blog again before the new year- but here I am no pictures today- just a rant My life is good- roof over my head- great family- AWESOME friends- and yet- unhappy because in my eyes my "art" sucks balls I work from photos- and there is always something wrong with the photo I draw from- something I wish was different- I draw around it- or I re-draw it- but it's never right because I'm not very good at drawing
I have spent a lot of time looking at sets on SG- people just don't realize that a good photo- and a good photo to draw from are NOT the same thing. I guess I need to put photographer on my business card- even though its not true- maybe then someone would let me capture what I want to draw- with no compromise
That's my rant for now- just tired of people with cameras calling themselves photographers.....
I have spent a lot of time looking at sets on SG- people just don't realize that a good photo- and a good photo to draw from are NOT the same thing. I guess I need to put photographer on my business card- even though its not true- maybe then someone would let me capture what I want to draw- with no compromise
That's my rant for now- just tired of people with cameras calling themselves photographers.....
Me too, me too. I wish I could photograph for my drawings too so bad!!
*HUGS* babe. I hope you had a good new years.