So why don't I draw anymore? I get that question a lot these days. I seem to be lacking inspiration- last year at this time I had just gotten my phone- I had new txt buddies- things where exciting, new, stimulating. I was drawing like crazy- now I only keep in touch daily with one person- love her to death- but I'm not excited like I was- so no drawing
I will draw again- but it isn't like the building I'm doing now- this stuff is easy- I don't need passion to do it- there's no emotion- when I draw I need that- as soon as the desire comes back- I WILL start drawing
XOXOXOX- peace- Jim
XOXOXOX- peace- Jim
I look forward to the day when you are feeling inspired again
Until your passion returns, I'm more than content to see your other creations. It's interesting that you call it easy when they all look so intricately detailed and complex.
I miss your art a lot!