hoi chummers!
only the middle of the week and already got stuff going down and problems needing outside input. Getting my apadravya this weekend (thanks to everyone in the pierced group for their info). My buddy ryan said he'd go with me and get his done so i wouldn't have to be alone. What a pal
! Speaking of ryan, i finally got him an interview for where i work, and he rocked it. Now he can trash that damned McDonalds uniform. My boss already told me he got the job, they're just making his schedule and figuring out when he should start. I hope he starts as early as monday. That'd be the shit. In other news i found an awesome silver polyester jacket when i went thrifting on monday. If im not too intoxicated this weekend ill get some pics up of that, blue hair, and my new piercing if permissable. T-ddawg got his wisdom teeth out on tuesday. Now we have a nice little boost to our ever dwindling supply of vikodin
. I believe tony is supposed to come in this weekend for his birthday or something. This guy's a little shit as he likes to rat on everyone else about stupid things that always bite us in the ass, but he's been a friend of ours for years. I know he's gonna ask me to do booze runs for him, but i don't know if i want to do them this time. He's kinda caused an uproar in the crew that's really got us split in half as to whether to hang around with him anymore. Here's the story: He used to go out with this chick Alex. We all liked and were good friends with Alex before they started seeing each other. We all warned him of the danger of dating friends in the crew. He copped his usual "greater-than-thou" attitude and went ahead with it anyway. A few months later everyone went off to college. Alex starts seeing someone else and neglects to tell Tony she's doing so until a few months into her new relationship. This was Tony's first piece of ass, so naturally he was infatuated with the girl, and didn't take it too well. Alex happens to be REAL good friends with T-ddawg's girlfried (remember this, it's important later). Tony makes everyone think that he now hates Alex, and everyone believes him. Later we find out from T-ddawg's gf that he still talks and cries the blues to her. Not only that, but tony is downright mean to alex whenever he see's her in public. Us being friends with tony somehow get automatically associated with this. Now T-ddawgs gf hates us and doesn't like him to hang out with us. But we've done nothing to her or alex. Fast forward another month. Me, T-ddawg, Ryan, and i believe Amanda were out visiting Tony at school. T-ddawg decides he's gonna be a good friend and try to get tony out of his funk. I am by no means homosexual (no offense to any who are), but T-ddawg is a pretty guy, and seduces a couple of girls into bumming around tony. Tony won't bite, and later tells Alex that t-ddawg was hitting on a bunch of other girls. This in turn gets back to Britt (t-ddawgs gf) and now she hates us even more because we're "promoting the situation." So what the fuck is a fella to do? Tony's been a friend for years, longer than Alex has. But he's also being a little shit. What's more is he wants us to come back to his school next weekend to visit him. Again, what the fuck is a fella to do? On a lighter note, i got this stupid webcam up and running. So if im here and consious, it'll be on. Check me out from time to time, or ill bitchslap you through your monitor.
Stay tuned
only the middle of the week and already got stuff going down and problems needing outside input. Getting my apadravya this weekend (thanks to everyone in the pierced group for their info). My buddy ryan said he'd go with me and get his done so i wouldn't have to be alone. What a pal

Stay tuned
No SG'ing in the future for me! i might have thought of in, but now that they're into the PlayBoy thing, not likey! Erin would be more enclined to do it than me!