Heavy day, surprisingly pleasant night. Bought 'Kung-Pow' today, plan to laugh loudly in a manner you wouldn't want to in public, my mates call me the count as I tend to laugh like the Count from Sesame Street.
Lost my Roll-up filters, so it's black sacks for lungs again, oh well.
I've booked my appointment at the tattooist's. Dr Feelgood in Poole, where the scurilous HB will be injuring me for art, pain and money (I've done most drugs but I still think endorphins are just great!) Getting all excited. After all the overtime I've been doing, it'll be nice to have more than two days in a row where I can let off steam. Like I said before, the Villa, Bournemouth, around 10PM, Friday 29th October.
Surprise, surprise, it's raning in merrye olde bloody England.
Hope you're all well, or at least in an acceptable amount of pleasure/pain/gaffer tape/whatever.
Heavy day, surprisingly pleasant night. Bought 'Kung-Pow' today, plan to laugh loudly in a manner you wouldn't want to in public, my mates call me the count as I tend to laugh like the Count from Sesame Street.
Lost my Roll-up filters, so it's black sacks for lungs again, oh well.
I've booked my appointment at the tattooist's. Dr Feelgood in Poole, where the scurilous HB will be injuring me for art, pain and money (I've done most drugs but I still think endorphins are just great!) Getting all excited. After all the overtime I've been doing, it'll be nice to have more than two days in a row where I can let off steam. Like I said before, the Villa, Bournemouth, around 10PM, Friday 29th October.
Surprise, surprise, it's raning in merrye olde bloody England.
Hope you're all well, or at least in an acceptable amount of pleasure/pain/gaffer tape/whatever.
Lana's not well, doesn't turn her fan on when she gets hot so she gets very hot. Not good in heavy traffic (Of which I saw a very large amount on the way down, 3 hour drive became 6 and a half, road planners, what were you thinking? You subnormals!)
Anyhoo! Got the Ivy on my arm extended, now I only have 3 tattoos on my right side ('Coz most of them now join up!) and yes, it's still sore but goosepimples are a hedonistic treat!
Saw my friends, made some new ones (Hello Lauren and Fara! It's me, Goatboy!!) and stayed with some great friends, now only more so (Dave, Steve and Kev) saw Jude and Kerry (Cooey!)
Anyway, Ity's been a very long drive back so I'm going to relax for a bit.
Ciao for Now! Goodnight gentlefolk.
Jimbob/Tuatha Mac Danaan/Goatboy