Okay, so for all of you guys and gals who don't know, I'm in Sandiego visiting my boy and picking up my car to drive back to Chitown. ... Heres the story though...
Last night my boy and about 5 people went out to PB to go drinking and celebrate our friend getting out of the marine corps, so my boy starts to drive like he owns the road and thinks that everyone wants to race him. He KNOWS that I hate that and weve talked before about not driving crazy when i'm in the car.(he admits to almost killing us once while street racing) So I yell for him to STOP and so does his friend in the back seat. SO he totally blows his lid wich is verry much not like him and tells us to fuck off blah blah blah. So we sit in silence for the rest of the ride till the bar.... Then we walk into the bar and he was behind us, but dissapered... we figured he was sulking in the bathroom or something and ordered a drink. 10 minutes later everyones looking for him. I walked the 8 blocks in heels back to where we parked, he wasn't there. HE FUCKING TOOK OFF WITH MY CAR, MY PURSE IN THE CAR and NO RIDE HOME. I had fucking $5 on me. WHAT A FUCKHEAD. So i had to walk back 8 blocks to the bar where allmy friends are at, my feet are swelled up by now and sit at the bar till 2am sober and pissed off cuz no one wanted to drive home (I didn't ask anyone to drive me back till they were ready) So when i get a ride back hes fucking asleep. He never picked up the phone or anything when i called 13 times.
I fucking hate being in a relationship. Its so much easier to only count on yourself. PEople are such fuckheads. UGHFF. Now I'm stuck here in this tiny ass room with a guy I'm pissed off at. And cant leave till saturday. And im such a puss I would rather not yell at him i'd rater ignore him, cuz ignoring people is how i handle problems.not good.
anyways the weather here is so much nicer then chicagos! And at least i'm getting to see a lot of friends and i got free drinks last night from semi cute boys!
Last night my boy and about 5 people went out to PB to go drinking and celebrate our friend getting out of the marine corps, so my boy starts to drive like he owns the road and thinks that everyone wants to race him. He KNOWS that I hate that and weve talked before about not driving crazy when i'm in the car.(he admits to almost killing us once while street racing) So I yell for him to STOP and so does his friend in the back seat. SO he totally blows his lid wich is verry much not like him and tells us to fuck off blah blah blah. So we sit in silence for the rest of the ride till the bar.... Then we walk into the bar and he was behind us, but dissapered... we figured he was sulking in the bathroom or something and ordered a drink. 10 minutes later everyones looking for him. I walked the 8 blocks in heels back to where we parked, he wasn't there. HE FUCKING TOOK OFF WITH MY CAR, MY PURSE IN THE CAR and NO RIDE HOME. I had fucking $5 on me. WHAT A FUCKHEAD. So i had to walk back 8 blocks to the bar where allmy friends are at, my feet are swelled up by now and sit at the bar till 2am sober and pissed off cuz no one wanted to drive home (I didn't ask anyone to drive me back till they were ready) So when i get a ride back hes fucking asleep. He never picked up the phone or anything when i called 13 times.
I fucking hate being in a relationship. Its so much easier to only count on yourself. PEople are such fuckheads. UGHFF. Now I'm stuck here in this tiny ass room with a guy I'm pissed off at. And cant leave till saturday. And im such a puss I would rather not yell at him i'd rater ignore him, cuz ignoring people is how i handle problems.not good.
anyways the weather here is so much nicer then chicagos! And at least i'm getting to see a lot of friends and i got free drinks last night from semi cute boys!
