music" if there is such a thing. Here is some Very Sexy Pop Music. I heard this when I was 4 years old, didn't know what sex was and completely aroused by it. Somehow I know what it was about. Besides the controversy, it's a real time piece of a recording - vintage 68-69. Banned by the Catholic Church! It's got the plucked bass...
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Bob Marely; "Stir It Up". I don't know much about the history of the man who produced the Wailers' music, but he was @#$# genius. Besides Reggae being infectious and sexy anyway, the space and delicacy with which these recordings were made is unsurpassed. Watching striptease to that could be unbearable. ......Now you may ask....where is the long changing melody line? Well you know why it doesn't need it that badly (and by the way....Marely has some excellent long unresolved melodies...) .... the rhythm section carries the tension of slightly changing tensions. This brings me to another point of my "new aesthetic" that I'm adressing. I ASSERT THAT DRUM MACHINES AND COMPUTERIZED LOOPING IN THE RECORDING ARE KILLING THE MAGIC OF RHYTHM. We should stop using them. Get people playing the rhtym sections again.
Whatever song is accompanying Damsel and Lass: I don't know what song it is, I can't seem to get any information on it, but it isn't it PERFECT for that absolutely breathtaking video? Notice; no drum machines, human voices, harmonies that build up at the end of the song, guitars played by human hands without tons of effects, and yes a melody damnit! The end of each phrase ends unresolved and leading us to expect more to be answered in the subsequent phrase. It's full beautiful "mistakes" that linger unresolved. Some of the vocals are actuall sharp, but it's real - more true to harmonic serious. Violins in an orchestra are actually sharp. With the damn drum machines and all the pitch correcting, perfect looping it's gone in most of "today's" music the music is getting sucked out of it. It's like we are eating pictures of food and wondering why they are so empty. So if someone can tell me who the hell wrote and recorded that I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading. I know I'm snob and just because you may not agree with my aesthetics doesn't mean you are not a wonderful person.- Jill