A better class of friends
Ever feel you need to upgrade your friends? Not your friend list I mean you friends in your real life if we really do have one outside the cyber world we make for ourselves..
I think Im coming to a point where I need to get a better class of friends, an upgrade if you will, ones that will be friends and not just part time friends
I got a few at work I consider good friends, the status of best friend is one hard to get in my book and dont have any but good friend is like right under the status of best.
There is Wes, buts hes leaving next month which sucks cause we had the same sick type of humor, hes moving out to LA to be the next big thing out there which will rock since I can then mooch off him and visit and he can hook me up with Angelina Jolie
And then there is crystal, funny girl and really a wacky strange type of humor, now shes not moving but just wouldnt feel right to hang with just her and no one else.
Now onto my so called RL friends, maybe the time I was away from them, that is the time my wife basically made me give them up and I was to dumb to see this but hind sight is 20/20 they say. Ive made my apologies to them for this but I cant help but think that the time I was away we all grew up and now dont see things the way we once didand all the trying we do to make up for the lost time isnt working..
In a sad way I think the way we used to be toward each other, one for all and all for one is no longer with us, even though we try to act that way.
It really hit home one day, I had a falling out with a person at work, no biggie it happens to all, I wont go into the details, but lets say this person tried to use his friendship with these friends of mine to make them stop talking or hanging out with me. A very low immature thing to do but coming from this person it doesnt surprise me, why I was friends with him I dont know but I did finally wise up and end it.
I found it funny that my disagreement with one person, that he tired to make everyone a part of it, my friends didnt take his threat and still talk to me which at the time I thought was very high of them, but something was strange, I noticed when I got to work, we all work at the same place, them on 3rd, me on 1st that they didnt talk to me much.
When confronted one day, my friend said im sorry I cant be friends with you when im around said person. This stuck me odd and very strange. Here I took the high road and didnt bring my dirty laundry to work and this other person did and I thought was made to look like the fool he was but now I was told this by so called friend?
Is this how best friends act? Or even good friends and just friends in general? My view was you stuck up for a friend, but then again Im old and my views are old fashioned
And that being said about old, its hard to make new friends. It takes timeand its something I want to invest in so ill try
Now on to friends with benefitswell..lets just leave that for another entry
Day 2 of my hunger strike to bring back Apnea
Ever feel you need to upgrade your friends? Not your friend list I mean you friends in your real life if we really do have one outside the cyber world we make for ourselves..
I think Im coming to a point where I need to get a better class of friends, an upgrade if you will, ones that will be friends and not just part time friends
I got a few at work I consider good friends, the status of best friend is one hard to get in my book and dont have any but good friend is like right under the status of best.
There is Wes, buts hes leaving next month which sucks cause we had the same sick type of humor, hes moving out to LA to be the next big thing out there which will rock since I can then mooch off him and visit and he can hook me up with Angelina Jolie
And then there is crystal, funny girl and really a wacky strange type of humor, now shes not moving but just wouldnt feel right to hang with just her and no one else.
Now onto my so called RL friends, maybe the time I was away from them, that is the time my wife basically made me give them up and I was to dumb to see this but hind sight is 20/20 they say. Ive made my apologies to them for this but I cant help but think that the time I was away we all grew up and now dont see things the way we once didand all the trying we do to make up for the lost time isnt working..
In a sad way I think the way we used to be toward each other, one for all and all for one is no longer with us, even though we try to act that way.
It really hit home one day, I had a falling out with a person at work, no biggie it happens to all, I wont go into the details, but lets say this person tried to use his friendship with these friends of mine to make them stop talking or hanging out with me. A very low immature thing to do but coming from this person it doesnt surprise me, why I was friends with him I dont know but I did finally wise up and end it.
I found it funny that my disagreement with one person, that he tired to make everyone a part of it, my friends didnt take his threat and still talk to me which at the time I thought was very high of them, but something was strange, I noticed when I got to work, we all work at the same place, them on 3rd, me on 1st that they didnt talk to me much.
When confronted one day, my friend said im sorry I cant be friends with you when im around said person. This stuck me odd and very strange. Here I took the high road and didnt bring my dirty laundry to work and this other person did and I thought was made to look like the fool he was but now I was told this by so called friend?
Is this how best friends act? Or even good friends and just friends in general? My view was you stuck up for a friend, but then again Im old and my views are old fashioned
And that being said about old, its hard to make new friends. It takes timeand its something I want to invest in so ill try
Now on to friends with benefitswell..lets just leave that for another entry
Day 2 of my hunger strike to bring back Apnea