OK..saw this kick ass "making off" special on the ps2 game..god of war..so im thinking..this game rocks and i want to get it..
this was saturday..so i get out the old ps2..slim version and hook it up...now some smart ps2 guy thought it would be cool to make the power cord come in two sections..he prob got paid alot of money for this idea..well.i couldnt find the second part..no biggie i think..and im off to walmart to get a new powercord since they sell everything at walmart
No power cord at walmart..no powercord at target..no powercoard at any online game store..so i call an eb game close by and he has one!! im off to the store, last one he has i told..so i get there..get the cord and the game god of war..and head home thinking of all the killing i will be doing!
Pull the cord out of the bag.and.its a ps2 cord alright..but for the regular ps2..not the slim line..oh..i was a tad upset..so i think..the ps2 website must have it...nope..it seems noone in the known universe has a ps2 slim powercord.not even the ps2 offical website...so now i had 150 game system and a 50 game..and cant play either..
what is a person to do!?
well if i was evil i would go to walmart, buy another system, take the cord out and return the system saying it didnt come with one..thats if i was evil...
Lets say the game god of war rocks! Its got blood, violence, nudity, sex!! and thats all in just the first level! Been playing since saturday night and just finished it! oh man..the story line is great, cut sceens are great...
Go get the game..you will love it
this was saturday..so i get out the old ps2..slim version and hook it up...now some smart ps2 guy thought it would be cool to make the power cord come in two sections..he prob got paid alot of money for this idea..well.i couldnt find the second part..no biggie i think..and im off to walmart to get a new powercord since they sell everything at walmart
No power cord at walmart..no powercord at target..no powercoard at any online game store..so i call an eb game close by and he has one!! im off to the store, last one he has i told..so i get there..get the cord and the game god of war..and head home thinking of all the killing i will be doing!
Pull the cord out of the bag.and.its a ps2 cord alright..but for the regular ps2..not the slim line..oh..i was a tad upset..so i think..the ps2 website must have it...nope..it seems noone in the known universe has a ps2 slim powercord.not even the ps2 offical website...so now i had 150 game system and a 50 game..and cant play either..
what is a person to do!?
well if i was evil i would go to walmart, buy another system, take the cord out and return the system saying it didnt come with one..thats if i was evil...
Lets say the game god of war rocks! Its got blood, violence, nudity, sex!! and thats all in just the first level! Been playing since saturday night and just finished it! oh man..the story line is great, cut sceens are great...
Go get the game..you will love it
Hey stranger. My phone isn't allowing me to send outgoing texts for some reason. Damn palm phone.
Thanks. I actually was just looking it over and it isn't as bad as I originally thought.