Today is going to be awful. I hate the heat. Wait a minute I work in a kitchen. Fuck. I am now a hypocrite. At least there is very little humidity. Um My cats are not getting along. I had to soak Bosworth ( read: put him in the bath and turn on the cold water)for attacking Ella Guru. Not sure what else to do but give it time. Ive had Boswoth for almost 2 months.
Does punishing a cat for acting aggresive ever work or is it something that comes with the package? Anyone?
Does punishing a cat for acting aggresive ever work or is it something that comes with the package? Anyone?
i wish i could help you with the kittie thing.. unfortunately, i am dealing with two, very angry and vengefull little ones who have taken to peeing in my dirty clothes hamper.
good times.
did i mention i hate 18 hour days?
k sleepy time.
love you.
hope things are good and your beer drinking was splendid.
You need to praise when they're doing good and toss something soft and light at them when they fight.
Or, just keep them seperated by a door so they can play with each other's paws.
Feliway is a product you plug into the wall like an air freshener. It releases a smell only cats can detect to calm them. You can find it at any pet supply store. It's a little pricey, but an investment.
Get that, play classical music all day, and keep them apart if you must.
Hissing is one thing but full on fights is entirely different.