I have a new cat.
His name is Bosworth.
3 years 3 months.
PAWS didn't have is weight noted but I'm sure he weighs 20lb.
He is a big boy , feisty and playful.
Sadly I have no digital camera to show off both kitties.
Despite not meeting face to face Ella Guru is not impressed.
His name is Bosworth.
3 years 3 months.
PAWS didn't have is weight noted but I'm sure he weighs 20lb.
He is a big boy , feisty and playful.
Sadly I have no digital camera to show off both kitties.
Despite not meeting face to face Ella Guru is not impressed.
its so cute.
and bless you sir for adopting a kitty that needed a home.
you know? if you can match the benefits and pay elsewhere? then go. if you cant why leave a cush position? in my opinion you have quite enough soul to go around.
har, har.
kisses, im hung over.