Here for anyones enjoyment is a list of music I have been enjoying.
ANIMAL COLLECTIVE with VASHTI BUNYAN - Prospect Hummer. Great collaberation between the two. Only 15min in length. You either get it or you don't. Those allergic to folk or lost in the woods vocal may wish to skip this one. KRAFTERK- Minimum/ Maximum. Live recordings taken from the current formation of Kraftwerk. Slight reworkings of older songs but nothing that gts in the way. This is my only CD by them. All the rest is in analogue lp format. FRANCOISE HARDY- The Vogue Years. Great girl/ French vocals. Unlike most of her peers she wrote most of her own songs.
I will try toadd more later.
bye all
ANIMAL COLLECTIVE with VASHTI BUNYAN - Prospect Hummer. Great collaberation between the two. Only 15min in length. You either get it or you don't. Those allergic to folk or lost in the woods vocal may wish to skip this one. KRAFTERK- Minimum/ Maximum. Live recordings taken from the current formation of Kraftwerk. Slight reworkings of older songs but nothing that gts in the way. This is my only CD by them. All the rest is in analogue lp format. FRANCOISE HARDY- The Vogue Years. Great girl/ French vocals. Unlike most of her peers she wrote most of her own songs.
I will try toadd more later.
bye all
I will give Francoise Hardy a try and let you know, take care man!