Wanted to buy supplies to brew beer today. All of them closed!
Oh well . I bought a new calculator and cd envelopes. The envelopes are for a mix CD exchange through the mix exchange group. Day's off can be so mundane. My ex want's to talk to me tomorrow. " She's been thinking about me..." this has me worried because I see it as her trying to get back together with me. She was the one who instagated the break up and in hind sight our seperation has been all for the best.
I don't wan' t to have that talk. We are still married and going through a seperation/ divorce. I feel like damaged goods already and feel I've aleady been through the SHIT with her. Oh well I'll suck it up aand deal.
I wan't to apologize for a few threads I posted on this evening. That's the bottle of wine talking.
oh and I wish I had a scanner , digital camera or both. Ok have a nice night and day.

Oh well . I bought a new calculator and cd envelopes. The envelopes are for a mix CD exchange through the mix exchange group. Day's off can be so mundane. My ex want's to talk to me tomorrow. " She's been thinking about me..." this has me worried because I see it as her trying to get back together with me. She was the one who instagated the break up and in hind sight our seperation has been all for the best.
I don't wan' t to have that talk. We are still married and going through a seperation/ divorce. I feel like damaged goods already and feel I've aleady been through the SHIT with her. Oh well I'll suck it up aand deal.
I wan't to apologize for a few threads I posted on this evening. That's the bottle of wine talking.

oh and I wish I had a scanner , digital camera or both. Ok have a nice night and day.