BIg Day Out was on last sunday.. was pretty rockin.. i went with Melanie_Jade and another friend from sydney.. we got there reasonably early, somewhere round 11 i think, and were greeted by plenty of pissed and stoned kids who took their pills and what not early for fear of the sniffer dogs like what happened at the sydney show.. anyways there was some real messy kids who didnt get to see much more than frenzal man, the emo and goth kids were melting, it so wasnt a good day for black clothing..
anyways, first up was The Donnas.. they were pretty good, sucked that they played so early though, was hard to really get into the swing of things, plus the crowd was pretty solid by the time we got there.
next up was kiwi hip hop group, The Deceptikonz.. they were pretty cool, nice solid bass lines, flowing beats and rhymes..definately like to see them in a better venue though..
The Hives rocked.. simple as that.. love their crisp white suits, loved their energy.. love swedish punk rock.. seriously if you get the chance to see em, do it..
Scribe and P-Money were playing in the Boiler Room.. the place was fucking packed.. Melanie_Jade managed to weave her way through the crowd with me and Kira in tow a bit closer to the stage but really it sucks being short at a gig like that.. anyways, here's a dodgy pic..
we caught a few minutes of the John Butler Trio show, he's a fantastic musician though it was pretty hard to really grab much of the audience in a crowd of that size.
we tried in vane to catch a few other bands but really didnt have much luck.. the melbourne show grounds is not a suitable venue for the BDO when they sell out.. it was waaaay to packed and so fucking difficult to get around.. so we missed Butterfingers, Hatebreed and a few others.. though we did manage to catch the last 10 minutes of The Blues Explosion which was kinda cool though not really my thing..
anyways, on to my highlight of the day.. The Streets.. these guys owned the crowd the minute they hit the stage.. un-fucking-believable.. they played a few songs off their latest cd but most of it was off of Original Pirate Material which i was happy about.. they definately had the largest crowd for the stage the played on, it was so packed.. andyways, here's a few pics from The Streets..
"looks like geezer's raving"
The Streets made up for the fact that it was so packed and hard to get around the showgrounds..
also caught a few minutes of SOAD and Regurgitator, didnt stick around for the Beasties or The Chemical Brothers, though from what i heard i didnt miss much there..
next year i think i'll be back to the Sydney BDO, though i wouldnt mind getting back up to the GC or maybe even Perth..
anyways, fun was had, beer was drunk and i'm keeping my new years resolution of seeing more live bands alive and well..
on other news, looks like i'm not gonna be buying my place, a few things arent happening as i expected and the owners have just upped their price by 10k.. fuckers.. so the way it looks atm, i'm gonna have to move out before too long, possibly even into my parents place cause the rental situation in Newcastle atm is ridiculously overpriced for what you get.. atleast living at the olds i'll save some solid coin and that opens up more options for purchasing a house down the track..
ok, well long update is done..
catch you lot later..
anyways, first up was The Donnas.. they were pretty good, sucked that they played so early though, was hard to really get into the swing of things, plus the crowd was pretty solid by the time we got there.

next up was kiwi hip hop group, The Deceptikonz.. they were pretty cool, nice solid bass lines, flowing beats and rhymes..definately like to see them in a better venue though..

The Hives rocked.. simple as that.. love their crisp white suits, loved their energy.. love swedish punk rock.. seriously if you get the chance to see em, do it..

Scribe and P-Money were playing in the Boiler Room.. the place was fucking packed.. Melanie_Jade managed to weave her way through the crowd with me and Kira in tow a bit closer to the stage but really it sucks being short at a gig like that.. anyways, here's a dodgy pic..

we caught a few minutes of the John Butler Trio show, he's a fantastic musician though it was pretty hard to really grab much of the audience in a crowd of that size.

we tried in vane to catch a few other bands but really didnt have much luck.. the melbourne show grounds is not a suitable venue for the BDO when they sell out.. it was waaaay to packed and so fucking difficult to get around.. so we missed Butterfingers, Hatebreed and a few others.. though we did manage to catch the last 10 minutes of The Blues Explosion which was kinda cool though not really my thing..
anyways, on to my highlight of the day.. The Streets.. these guys owned the crowd the minute they hit the stage.. un-fucking-believable.. they played a few songs off their latest cd but most of it was off of Original Pirate Material which i was happy about.. they definately had the largest crowd for the stage the played on, it was so packed.. andyways, here's a few pics from The Streets..

"looks like geezer's raving"

The Streets made up for the fact that it was so packed and hard to get around the showgrounds..
also caught a few minutes of SOAD and Regurgitator, didnt stick around for the Beasties or The Chemical Brothers, though from what i heard i didnt miss much there..
next year i think i'll be back to the Sydney BDO, though i wouldnt mind getting back up to the GC or maybe even Perth..
anyways, fun was had, beer was drunk and i'm keeping my new years resolution of seeing more live bands alive and well..
on other news, looks like i'm not gonna be buying my place, a few things arent happening as i expected and the owners have just upped their price by 10k.. fuckers.. so the way it looks atm, i'm gonna have to move out before too long, possibly even into my parents place cause the rental situation in Newcastle atm is ridiculously overpriced for what you get.. atleast living at the olds i'll save some solid coin and that opens up more options for purchasing a house down the track..
ok, well long update is done..
catch you lot later..

I fell your pain when it comes to being shortish and at gigs - actually my girlfriend really feels it (she being 5'2").
Anyhoo sounds like you had a good time....