been super slack on sg lately.. havent caught up with a lot of my friends on here, or IRL either, i've been in a fucked up headspace for the last couple of months, maybe even longer now that i'm thinking openly about it..
i apologise to everyone unreservedly..
i apologise to everyone unreservedly..
VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS is my middle name....
basically.. I'm going to keep my membership to the site but only in aid to talk with my overseas friends... its been like that for a long time... I know who I like on here and I dont need to be in a group to organise going out with them..
sorry to disapoint you and I know it sounds harsh... but its how I feel..
sorry to hear you are not feeling well... maybe for an outdoors person like yourself winter just becomes too overwhelming sometimes? I'm finally clawing my way out of a funk and its feeling good... when are you back in melbourne? we'll have some beers then...