Off to shoot Butterfingers, N'Fa and Lefta Centa tonight at Newcastle Uni. Should be a bit of fun, not much of a hip hop fan but its a paying shoot and I'm friends with a few of the guys in Lefta Centa..
Been asked to submit a portfolio to 3 different music magazines, errr one's actually a street press (DM), which I'm kinda stoked about.. Managed to kiss enough ass with one of the local promoters and they've given me a permanent photopass to all their gigs, kinda stoked on that too seeing as they bring more big name bands to Newcastle than anyone else..
Shit so much photography stuff happening.. Got a weeding to shoot in Tasmania in December, though that stuffs up my drunken Homebake plans (got 2 tickets for sale if anyone's interested)..
Ummm, what else..
Getting engaged to my gf soon, just waiting on the rings to turn up from Denmark (I think they're coming from Denmark), yep I said 'rings'...she wants me to have an engagement ring too..lol..and no its not full of diamonds..awww..
Anyways, that was a quick update..
Catch you lot later

congratulations mate..... nawww... *wipes tear* I just went to my best friends wedidng yesterday and I'm stil lweepy... so this news had made me all weepy again!
Hey, thank you for throwing a food photo thread. That is totally the bulk of my shooting.