Yeah, the title says is all... Whenever apple comes out with "anything" I sell a little of my soul to get it, I swear. But even though that is a big problem, it fails in comparison to my nerdy needs...
I thought I dropped my nerdy side a year ago, after getting into the club scene, but it turns out that the club scene began to get a little boring, therefore I kinda stopped doing it... I still love dancing, but the glass cactus has been hiring DJ's instead of live bands... They already have house and guest dj's playing between featured artist sets, why do we need more dj's? Anyway... So yeah... I stopped going about 3 weeks ago, and what replaced it? I'm back to nerd game nights... But damn do I miss those...
Got into Zombicide Black Plague, and that games is fun as hell. Also impulse bought a new game called Shadows of brimstone, which I had buyers remourse, but the more I dug into the game the more I grew a nerd boner the likes of which had never been seen.
So, what can be so bad about this?! The collector in me HAS to own everything the game has to offer... Also... The games both feature miniatures. So yeah, I'm painting again. Back to nerding it out by painting, playing board games, role playing, and nearly breaking into excited seizures whenever a new game comes out... I forgot how expensive this was. Back when k went clubbing, I saved so m money. Don't have to spend it on anyone but myself, and I'm hella cheap, when it comes to drinks.
Been a fun month, though. Zombicide is most likely my favorite board game of all time, and I went out of my way to buy all the Kickstarter stuff from eBay sellers... Was expensive, but worth it! I'm doing the same for brimstone... Ugh... Will be worth it, though... Just can't wait to seriously play the game. What is any cooler than the 1800's with a lovecraftian horror element? Ancient ones, monsters, aliens, and Demons using portals to enter this realm and corrupt it with a very valuable resource... The dark stone. It's like being in a DnD game, minus the dungeon master. Fully cooperative for all players, and it's just nuts!
Yup... Gonna be a good time.