Vacation is already nearly over, it went by so damned fast. I guess that's ok. Being home, cleaning, and working out got a little old. Need to socialize, although there is rarely any of that at work...
Tried my hand at Plenty of Fish, getting no responses to me messages. Beginning to think that each woman who writes "I'm not shallow" on their profile really is just that. When I get messages, I at least respond. When no one responds to a message, it makes you feel pretty aweful, like your not even worth saying no to. I just don't get it, I work out VERY often and have a lot to offer. Ah well, I guess being a good guy isn't what they really want, even though they all say, "where are they?". It's like I'm flashing a light at them trying to make them aware that there is a guy right here who cares for himself enough to keep in shape, eat healthy, has a good job, is ambitious, and is caring of others. Those sites are a magnet for some real lame people. Sucks, because some of them look wholesome in their photos and profile. But I digress...
Will be back to work on Monday. Finally signed up for the company gym. It's a small room with some machines, not bad. Going to spend my time jogging. Figured I'd eat before work, spending my breaking on the treadmill, then get home and lift weights. Not a bad plan, considering I have already lost 15lbs since New Years. My diet has been salads, protein bars and granola. Loving it!!!
So I start my new shift this coming week. Awesome, but it feels too late for me to think differently of this place. It is a great job, but it's heavily demanding and taxing on my sanity. I have a boss who doesn't give a shit about what we do, but will slap his name under Art Director if we win awards, we added more stations to build graphics for and we don't hire anyone to help us balance the workflow so we can get time on projects, and our management decided to kiss some massive ass by handing our chances for an increased budget to other stations. I'm glad he likes to spend our money on useless items we don't use, like the Wacom cintique. Just sits at a desk collecting dust, and used as an additional render machine. Yup... All that money could go to a freelancer...
Outside of that, my little pal Zorro is finally showing his age. He is now 73 in dog years, and can barely climb the stares. He still shows a lot of pep, but it almost brings me to tears to see him like this, especially yesterday. He tried following me up the stairs, he just couldn't do it. So he sat on the first stair and just looked at me. Man, it was like watching a very sad movie. He can go for a nice walk, but climbing is not his thing anymore... Poor puppy.
Perhaps on Sunday I will finally put up some pictures on the walls. It's very much needed.