What a month... I don't understand why or how, but May is always a giant let down for me. Maybe its because it constantly reminds me that I'm a year older, and not much further in life as I was the previous year or it could be that I just so happen to have the worst luck during that month. Fighting with our neighbors, citation for "Disregard of traffic device" (AKA: Turning left onto a street that has a barely visible "No left turn" sign), Bills that sprung out of no where, co-workers giving me shit for everything (double standards are very common where I work, almost to a triple standard), a Hit & Run occurred to my car, and I was turned down from a date. Such a depressing month. I try to hang in there and believe that there is always some light at the end of the tunnel, but it just seems to get worse or stay the same.
Got plenty of hobbies and things to do, just want to try something different. Change everything up a little. I'm tired of reminding myself that I have a steady schedule and that its gonna be like this for months, years, or maybe a lifetime...
Got plenty of hobbies and things to do, just want to try something different. Change everything up a little. I'm tired of reminding myself that I have a steady schedule and that its gonna be like this for months, years, or maybe a lifetime...