Finally getting back to work on my next project...
This has taken far too long to motivate myself into working on this game, but when things are not going my way I tend to lose direction. Going back to the campus seems to be a great motivator, especially when people talk about my work and how I actually have a style.
I've finally decided what I'm gonna do. I am experimenting with shape tweening, so I decided I'm gonna play around with something short and sweet for now. Make a game that should only take me about 2 weeks to complete, or by some awesome miracle, by Halloween... lol, sure.
Its going to be a simple side scrolling action game like Gradius. I loved Gradius, and I figured that the first game for my Futuristic Thriller would be an action game that takes place during a large war.... and your a Mercenary pilot. Lots of graphics... wait... TONS of graphics, ship upgrades, and a random level generator. This way the game will be different every time you play. I've got it all planned out, and I'm very excited to work on it.
Only one problem stands in my way... My Wacom Intuos3 tablet's sensor pad unglued itself... lame... Need replacement.
So yeah... Sadly, I waited "FAR" too long to make this game and copyright it, so I may have to change the name. I've had the name Xenopod on Newgrounds since 05, and apparently someone copyrighted the media title in 07.... sigh... So now I need a new name.... again... sigh...
Thats ok though, perhaps renaming the game to something else may give me more room for expansion later. Instead of the game being named after an evil entity.
So here is what needs to be done... Everything...
1) Animations
2) effects
3) music
4) voice acting
5) sound fx
6) scenery/textures
7) Programming
This should be fun, and it will most likely be the best release I have done.
This has taken far too long to motivate myself into working on this game, but when things are not going my way I tend to lose direction. Going back to the campus seems to be a great motivator, especially when people talk about my work and how I actually have a style.

I've finally decided what I'm gonna do. I am experimenting with shape tweening, so I decided I'm gonna play around with something short and sweet for now. Make a game that should only take me about 2 weeks to complete, or by some awesome miracle, by Halloween... lol, sure.
Its going to be a simple side scrolling action game like Gradius. I loved Gradius, and I figured that the first game for my Futuristic Thriller would be an action game that takes place during a large war.... and your a Mercenary pilot. Lots of graphics... wait... TONS of graphics, ship upgrades, and a random level generator. This way the game will be different every time you play. I've got it all planned out, and I'm very excited to work on it.
Only one problem stands in my way... My Wacom Intuos3 tablet's sensor pad unglued itself... lame... Need replacement.
So yeah... Sadly, I waited "FAR" too long to make this game and copyright it, so I may have to change the name. I've had the name Xenopod on Newgrounds since 05, and apparently someone copyrighted the media title in 07.... sigh... So now I need a new name.... again... sigh...
Thats ok though, perhaps renaming the game to something else may give me more room for expansion later. Instead of the game being named after an evil entity.
So here is what needs to be done... Everything...
1) Animations
2) effects
3) music
4) voice acting
5) sound fx
6) scenery/textures
7) Programming
This should be fun, and it will most likely be the best release I have done.

Thank you! 

I actually snagged the tattoo design one one of m favorite anime shows, but considering I'm nearly half Norwegian I appreciate you knowing your mythological creatures.