yup. Beautiful blue sky, cleaned the house, and made myself a home cooked meal... Love it! But it's back to work...

Ah well, it's been a touch few weeks. People have been calling out, on vacation, and the big wigs were in town. Was a little crazy. Just four more weeks and I will be taking a badass 4 day weekend, and then 11 days...
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2 days in a row! I hope that 2 days of awesome don't end with a day of sheer terror. Got a lot of work done today that should take me 2 weeks, had a talk with another Senior Designer who told me that I should apply for the Senior Designer Opening and that he already put my name in with the director... I was...
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Is it weird that I am actually looking forward to going back to work? When all I had was a 2 day weekend? I guess being lonely is really getting to me, and I'd rather be at work where I can engage in social encounters. Sadly, most of these encounters are getting a little on the annoying side. I'm not a senior graphic artist, but...
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so... Lots of stuff this week. We were insanely busy at NBC due to the Fort Hood incident, MLB Opening Day, earthquakes-a-plenty, and the family that decided to take a 2 week boat trip around the world only to drift to sea with their 2 infant daughters and to be picked up by the Navy's U.S. vandegrift. I will say this, it makes me proud...
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usually Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the worst days of the week at work. So busy, let alone our manpower dropped on Wednesday. The week would be a typical crappy week if it was not for my annual review. I got an amazing review at work, and I got a good raise as well... I guess all that hard work paid off.

They also opened up...
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Yup, exactly as in the title... This weekend went by so quickly, I feel like it didn't even happen.

Well, Xena is doing much better now, at least from what I've seen of her. Showed up to take her and Zorro out for a walk and they both began to yelp in excitement when I mentioned it. I counted 3 loose dogs during the walk...
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so glad the week is over, just got back from vacation and, go figure, they punish me with more work than normal.

Anyway, Xena (my mother's Japanese chin) has not been doing well, the poor thing. She is so sweet, I had to feed her water with a syringe. Don't know if she doesn't want to move or just can't, it's sad to see the...
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Everything seems to be going a weird direction. Had a week off last week and I spent it alone, almost like it was a complete waste of my time off. It's nice to take some time to relax from the stress of work, but wish I had something to do that I could proudly look back at.

My biggest problem right now is that I...
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Work has been strange as of late. Been receiving plenty of work, which is great for making my day go by faster, yet its almost more work then I can handle at times. We create daily graphics for NBC stations, including video production, and on the side we create web content for other stations/clients. I have a few side projects that are due soon, yet...
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What a month... I don't understand why or how, but May is always a giant let down for me. Maybe its because it constantly reminds me that I'm a year older, and not much further in life as I was the previous year or it could be that I just so happen to have the worst luck during that month. Fighting with our neighbors, citation...
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I have been having a very difficult time to concentrate. My mind does not wonder so much anymore, but it seems like I'm not all here. I have been debating what to write in this blog for almost 20 minutes now. Nothing special to tell, life goes on and things are exactly as they always are.

I watched Cast Away tonight. Sadly I fell asleep...
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Had an interesting couple of weeks... I have admitted myself in the Warmachine/Hordes Journeyman Tournament, I got a taste of how it is to work for NBC Artworks, I have been working steadily on my new game, and I have a friend who decided to once again stir some chaos among his friends due to his highly dramatic personality.

I'll start with Warmachine: I was...
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