How many of you actually know that Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world?
Lest be super nerdy about it and I'm come from Wikipedia 😂
Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. (obviously)
And is Albert Einstein birthday AND GIORGIO TSOUKALOS too 🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸👽 🎈🎈🎂 (mine is in 11 day 😜)
Pi Day is an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts (we nerds) to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about math, and eat pie. (and maybe watch the movie "Pi" since Darren Aronofsky is on the spotlight again)
And fun fact! Most pizzerias and bakeries offer special Pi Day deals and discounts on March 14th? 🍕 🍕
It would take
By the way, wich one of you cant tell me the digits of Pi? how long is Pi? the one that gets the most digits gets a FREE pie... or a PIcture of a pie at least... see what i just did? a PI-cture of Pi (*insert canned laughs)
Game is ON lets see how long can you go
Ok that was everything i promise 😜😂
@missy @penny @lemon @eirenne @ @lust