This week has been endless and the thoughts don't stop raining, sometimes I don't want to get out of bed, sometimes I need a lot of chocolate, sometimes I just want to sit and drink coffee looking out the window. I have not read a good book for 1 year that does not have more than 100 pages. I need something that catches me, I need a Stiphen King of more than 500 pages that hits me to the ground while immersing me in fantasy. any suggestions? I accept all advice ❤

Casualmente llevaba tiempo sin leer también y esta semana he retomado a mi escritor favorito, Stepehen King. Si ya te has leido todas las clásicas (IT, La Tienda, Apocalipsis, El Resplandor), te recomendaria Joyland, que me gustó bastante y El Instituto, que es la que estoy leyendo ahora.

😍 😍