Today in this post countdown to my birthday I want to tell you about my spiritual self.
I have never believed in religions and dogmas.
But one day I learned to silence the voices in my head and around me, to hear what was inside me. I have felt that the universe is made because I am the universe, I understood that my god is time, space, the laws of cause and effect, karma and physics, that each one is a universe but even so, what you do to me It affects me and I affect you.
That we are not alone and the fact of not understanding something does not mean that it does not exist.
This crazy person who is here loves you all very much. whoever they are, because something unites us all in this life or the previous ones and yes, this crazy agnostic does not doubt the existence of things due to lack of evidence but believes in everything EVERYTHING because nothing is proven so yes. My list of favorite beliefs and topics are: Aliens (Pleiadian Reptilian Anunnaki etc)
reincarnations, astral travel, extrasensory powers and crazy shits like that I LOVE
I believe in stars, natal charts, tarot and Jewish kabbalah I am passionate about.
Hinduism, natural Asian medicine and of course Amazonian, all the crazy witchcraft of plants and their mystical powers
I also love history channel I watch documentaries of the 2nd world war with as much passion as a series and I am obsessed with the occultism of Maria Orsic and the society of VRIL Nikola Tesla and all that.
If you got here you are a sun and I love you, thank you for reading me ❤
Jhosi xoxo