This country was built on the backs of men who worked hard through blood, sweat, and tears to provide a better life for their family, their community, and their country. Regardless of the pain, the misery, the monotony, they would trudge through and get the job done and do it right.
Its rare, if not impossible, to find that trait in people today. Its whats wrong with society. Its why we've seen a decline in jobs. In American manufacturing. Men would bend metal by hand for a dollar an hour, and now these days they want $18 an hour to push a button every 90 seconds to have a machine do the same thing.
I'm always surrounded by people who do the bare minimum. By people who would rather do nothing. I have my grandfathers work ethic. People piss me off. This slide in effort and ambition hasn't gone unnoticed by the world. Everything here is Made in China, and its not because they make a better product, they make a cheaper product. But you know what? We make cheap products too.. they're both cheap in quality but china can make it cheaper in cost. People would buy American if we built a better product, but our lazy population mixed with the feeling of wage entitlement make it difficult for us to make a higher quality product for the same cost. Because lazy fucks are ruining it for those of us who give a shit.
So, I have an unbelievable amount of frustration in trying to climb any corporate ladder. I work my ass off and watch lazy fucks get promoted. People who spend more time kissing ass than getting their hands dirty make more progress. It feels so very republican. I'm sick of it.
I've got a coworker, he made a 3ft display that included cables to potentially hook computers to televisions. It took 10 minutes. And management went wild and might as well fellated him for the next week. He's not a bad salesperson. He probably makes 9.50 an hour for himself and maybe sells $200/hr in product for the store.
I bust my ass. Constantly. I'm running product from one end of the store to the other. I'm give above and beyond tirelessly. I do make slightly more than my coworkers but I make the company in excess of $500/hr in retail sales. So, you'd think I'm valued more highly than my coworkers. But I'm not. Because I'm not an asskiss. Because we got away from the hard work = more pay mentality. All you have to do is kiss some ass and you'll get promoted!
So there is my rant. Most of you are lazy fucks and I secretly hate you. or I overtly hate you. but seriously though, I've always had to bust my ass so if you dont feel like busting your ass I really just want to bust your face. Make something of yourself. Of your community. Of your country.
Quit. Fucking. Around.
Its rare, if not impossible, to find that trait in people today. Its whats wrong with society. Its why we've seen a decline in jobs. In American manufacturing. Men would bend metal by hand for a dollar an hour, and now these days they want $18 an hour to push a button every 90 seconds to have a machine do the same thing.
I'm always surrounded by people who do the bare minimum. By people who would rather do nothing. I have my grandfathers work ethic. People piss me off. This slide in effort and ambition hasn't gone unnoticed by the world. Everything here is Made in China, and its not because they make a better product, they make a cheaper product. But you know what? We make cheap products too.. they're both cheap in quality but china can make it cheaper in cost. People would buy American if we built a better product, but our lazy population mixed with the feeling of wage entitlement make it difficult for us to make a higher quality product for the same cost. Because lazy fucks are ruining it for those of us who give a shit.
So, I have an unbelievable amount of frustration in trying to climb any corporate ladder. I work my ass off and watch lazy fucks get promoted. People who spend more time kissing ass than getting their hands dirty make more progress. It feels so very republican. I'm sick of it.
I've got a coworker, he made a 3ft display that included cables to potentially hook computers to televisions. It took 10 minutes. And management went wild and might as well fellated him for the next week. He's not a bad salesperson. He probably makes 9.50 an hour for himself and maybe sells $200/hr in product for the store.
I bust my ass. Constantly. I'm running product from one end of the store to the other. I'm give above and beyond tirelessly. I do make slightly more than my coworkers but I make the company in excess of $500/hr in retail sales. So, you'd think I'm valued more highly than my coworkers. But I'm not. Because I'm not an asskiss. Because we got away from the hard work = more pay mentality. All you have to do is kiss some ass and you'll get promoted!
So there is my rant. Most of you are lazy fucks and I secretly hate you. or I overtly hate you. but seriously though, I've always had to bust my ass so if you dont feel like busting your ass I really just want to bust your face. Make something of yourself. Of your community. Of your country.
Quit. Fucking. Around.
i "like" this -- oops, thought I was on that other site for a minute...