I do kinda miss sleeping next to someone.
I told several of my female friends I'd make them dinner if they'd crash next to me in return. They all said no. But to the very last, each one turned me down because they know they'd fuck me and none of them want to complicate the great friendships we have with sex. Which, you know, is just stupid. Sex only makes friendship better, right?
I suppose I should be flattered.

I told several of my female friends I'd make them dinner if they'd crash next to me in return. They all said no. But to the very last, each one turned me down because they know they'd fuck me and none of them want to complicate the great friendships we have with sex. Which, you know, is just stupid. Sex only makes friendship better, right?
I suppose I should be flattered.

I've never had a friends with benefits relationship go wrong, but maybe I've just gotten lucky? I personally think they're one of the best things ever...
I was flattered once --