Meanwhile, painting!
We're repainting the house we're moving into. Specifically, the living room and the bedroom. While we'll also end up painting the den too, we're focusing on these two rooms so we can move in, and the other rooms can be done at our leisure.
The living room is a weird size. Its longer then it is wide but the usable space is less than ideal. While we'll make the best of it, the previous owner had it painted a dark green, which just made the entire space look small.
Yeah, I know, I need a fuckin haircut.
I did have a lot of help, I won't lie. Dryad was a way better painter then I expected her to be. Most people just slather paint on and there is runs and drips all over and it leaves you wishing you'd just done it by yourself.. this wasn't the case. She paints like a champ.
The house used to have a fireplace. I love a good fireplace. But for some reason, the previous owners decided to cover it up. My sister tells me this is a regular thing in the area, and I think its just kinda stupid. But meanwhile, here is what our mantle looks like, now that its no longer a fireplace
In the end, we turned this
into this
and we havent painted the doors yet, but we obviously need to..
But everything should be wrapped up in the next few days.
I told my sister that it looked like a bunch of college kids painted the place and she admitted that she was the one who painted it like that. I told her that we'd paint it like adults lived there.. she was unimpressed but knew that I would raise the value of the house with any work I did.
Plus, you know, I live there. That should raise the value right there.
Catch ya'll later.
EDIT: Its just the first coat. This isnt even done being primered. When its done I'll post a video tour and ALLL OF YOU are expected to visit. Yes, that means you.