Complaining rules! Let me explain. I splurged on a cable modem in November but my browser wasn't working and this tech at compaq tried to rememdy the problem but ended up deleting my entire computer - thankfully I save everything on disc. I was so pissed and they couldn't get anything working. I called forever but they kept telling me that my warranty was 4 years old and would expire January 1st! So these fuckers kept dicking me around and I couldn't get shit fixed and was so pissed. My friend, who is a computer wiz, came over and got windows to open and installed a browser, but thats all i had. A computer and fucking web browser. So i called and called and screamed and bitched and called and kept telling them I was going to go out and buy a dell unless they did something. And they more or less told me to fuck off....
Well, after two months of bitching and yelling, Compaq sent me a complete new tower this saturday with Windows XP, every word document, a cd burner, and all the works! Motherfucka got hooked up! I love compaq! I was using like windows 93 and all this shit is so high tech i'm frightened, but very very happy.....
So now that I have a computer I spent my weekend writing and it was great. I wrote this piece about this amazing experience I had on friday: Two complete G's, full on super baggy jersey's, skull cap, and everything man, just totally thugged out guys on the subway both whipped out violins and started playing unbelievable classical music. when they stopped, everyone on the subway jumped to there feet and started applauding and people were screaming "bravo! bravo!" I love fucking New York!
Okay, that's it for now. I have to go masturbate to midget porn now. mmmmm midget porn........
Mood: Oddly positive, inspired, but then again...
Current Listening: Bouncing Souls' The Good, The Bad, And The Argyl
Well, after two months of bitching and yelling, Compaq sent me a complete new tower this saturday with Windows XP, every word document, a cd burner, and all the works! Motherfucka got hooked up! I love compaq! I was using like windows 93 and all this shit is so high tech i'm frightened, but very very happy.....
So now that I have a computer I spent my weekend writing and it was great. I wrote this piece about this amazing experience I had on friday: Two complete G's, full on super baggy jersey's, skull cap, and everything man, just totally thugged out guys on the subway both whipped out violins and started playing unbelievable classical music. when they stopped, everyone on the subway jumped to there feet and started applauding and people were screaming "bravo! bravo!" I love fucking New York!
Okay, that's it for now. I have to go masturbate to midget porn now. mmmmm midget porn........
Mood: Oddly positive, inspired, but then again...
Current Listening: Bouncing Souls' The Good, The Bad, And The Argyl
Try: Somewhere Over the RAinbow. That midget porn is disturbing as fuck.
Woot for the new PC.
[Edited on Jan 12, 2004 3:03PM]