"I live a cubicle life / I have cubicle fears" -- The Morning After 'An Error Made'
So let me explain how I came to end up in cubicle: When I was in high school, stoned and barely passing, my guidance counceler suggested I write for my school paper. I ended up writing the music column and becoming the sort of Almost Famous kid of my high school. It seemed though that I was writing about bands hardly anyone knew, so I decided to start my own zine. This woman dug it and offered me a job in her publcity office. I took the job and next thing I know, I'm on the path to becoming, gulp, a professional. In college I kept working for various radio stations and independent publciity offices, until a major publishing house offered me a job, which I took. I've been there for almost four years now. They keep promoting me and giving me raises, and shit, now I got a studio in manhattan and got money to pay back my college loans. I also get to work with alot of people that are quite interesting, from politicians to rock stars to a few writers I really admire. But lately, the truth has caught up with me and well, I'm just not made to work in an office and well, it's been rough on me mentally and physically, but anyway, that's pretty much why I live a cubicle life....
And then there is the ex. The ex who I add then delete then add then delete to my buddy list. The thing is I know we're so not right together. I know its over, but now that it is, I'm lonely. Now I keep thinking what if she was the one and I'm losing my mind. Argh. Such a double edged sword. I don't know, I guess I can't really complain. It's not like I haven't met people, and honestly it still shocks me that girls think I'm cute. Now thats not a pity party invitation, and well, sometimes I admit to having low self esteem and I know its not attractive, but well, that's life. I think it really just boils down to the fact that I hate sleeping alone. (here's where you all go "awwwwww").....
On a bright note, I had a really fun band practice tonight. We wrote a new song called 'Hey Boy' and it's so fucking fun to play. It's just a ridiculous fun punky / Bowie-esque song. I love it. Wrote the entire thing in like half-an-hour, which I think always end up the best songs....
So that's it. Goodnight and hope you all have a good night sleep.....
Mood: Confused, tired, motivated
Music: The Best of INXS
So let me explain how I came to end up in cubicle: When I was in high school, stoned and barely passing, my guidance counceler suggested I write for my school paper. I ended up writing the music column and becoming the sort of Almost Famous kid of my high school. It seemed though that I was writing about bands hardly anyone knew, so I decided to start my own zine. This woman dug it and offered me a job in her publcity office. I took the job and next thing I know, I'm on the path to becoming, gulp, a professional. In college I kept working for various radio stations and independent publciity offices, until a major publishing house offered me a job, which I took. I've been there for almost four years now. They keep promoting me and giving me raises, and shit, now I got a studio in manhattan and got money to pay back my college loans. I also get to work with alot of people that are quite interesting, from politicians to rock stars to a few writers I really admire. But lately, the truth has caught up with me and well, I'm just not made to work in an office and well, it's been rough on me mentally and physically, but anyway, that's pretty much why I live a cubicle life....
And then there is the ex. The ex who I add then delete then add then delete to my buddy list. The thing is I know we're so not right together. I know its over, but now that it is, I'm lonely. Now I keep thinking what if she was the one and I'm losing my mind. Argh. Such a double edged sword. I don't know, I guess I can't really complain. It's not like I haven't met people, and honestly it still shocks me that girls think I'm cute. Now thats not a pity party invitation, and well, sometimes I admit to having low self esteem and I know its not attractive, but well, that's life. I think it really just boils down to the fact that I hate sleeping alone. (here's where you all go "awwwwww").....
On a bright note, I had a really fun band practice tonight. We wrote a new song called 'Hey Boy' and it's so fucking fun to play. It's just a ridiculous fun punky / Bowie-esque song. I love it. Wrote the entire thing in like half-an-hour, which I think always end up the best songs....
So that's it. Goodnight and hope you all have a good night sleep.....
Mood: Confused, tired, motivated
Music: The Best of INXS
Barely anyone has heard of it.
I have heard several rumors that if the company gets its ass in gear, they are maybe planning to release it on dvd soon.
*crosses fingers*