I've found the root of my love of climbing... for once, you take everything in your life into your own hands, and everytime I have to reach for that next ledge, when there's a split second when all paths lay open before you, I either achieve satisfaction or accept the consequences of my failure.

If I win the lotto, I will do this everyday, and...
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Sitting here and listening to more of Mermaid Avenue, and just sadly wishing for someone to sit down over a cup of tea with and have a good chat about love, life, and the nature of the universe...

I remember an endless night a long time ago when I dropped acid and explained all of reality to a girl who gave up her diehard polygamy...
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It seems like it's getting harder and harder to find any good music. The only thing on the horizon that holds any interest is the "Against Me!" album coming out on September 6th, and they've been on a slow-decline since "Reinventing Axle Rose". They aren't bad, they just lost some kind of musical genius in between that album and "As the Eternal Cowboy...". They stopped...
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Really depressed tonight to not be in NYC for the Against Me! show at CBGB's.

On the other hand, we're gathering momentum for a road-trip down in September for the Circle Jerks/Adolscents/Channel 3/etc. show.
Training has begun for the Marine Corps Marathon, Oct 30th in D.C. This will be my first, and I'm looking forward to the next 3 months with both anticipation and trepidation. It's nice to have some kind of driving goal again that pushes you to swing for the fences, instead of falling back into apathy.

Curious if anyone else will be running it? If so,...
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Time seems to be compressing and expanding at will. Sometimes it seems to move so fast you're standing still, while other times it's dragging along so slowly that you have to wait for the second hand to make its move.

A diversion would be the most helpful thing ever right now.
Another day, another walk through hell. When you've watched your whole life evaporate in an hour because the person you've committed 1/2 a decade of your life to decides all bets are off, and what she's been saying for that 1/2 decade didn't mean shit, everybody comes out of the woodwork with ways to cope.

Case in point, the next door neighbor. Psycho-analysing me at...
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Journal Entry #1:

Dear Diary...

I never thought it would happen to me but...

Anyway, starting this journal to meet some new people, both in Rochester, where I currently am, and in NYC, where I will be moving to this fall. The significant other just decided to vacate premises after five years, and I'm left wondering what the hell to do, especially since she was...
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Yeah, a picture is coming soon... It's hard to take a self-portrait without looking like a douche.