so long time no blog. stuck here in this shit hole of a country. the only thing i can think about recently is getting to come home for a couple weeks. i need to party. anybody else need to party? cause i am gonna throw one when i come home. a big one. man i need to cut loose. anyway, take it easy
so i didn't go anywhere. i just dont have anything to blog about. my life is pretty dull considering where i am and what i am doing. never really a whole lot of action to talk about. my mind is pretty much sucked clean of anything mildly comical or thoughtful that i could put into words. my home life which is taking place about 8,000...
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thank you to everyone and everything that is SG. this site has helped me kill more time this deployment than i can even keep track of. i have to especially thank my buddy josh who you might know as JKR79. he is the one that turned me onto the site, and has recently become a member again. dont tell his new wife about it though....
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uuuhhhggggg i am sick again. seroiusly i have no idea how and why i get sick so much. it really does suck. having to be here all doped up on sinus medication. feeling loopy and having to do casualty evac training, no bueno. it will all pass just like the rest of them.
Thank you for your comment on my set honey <3 The complete set is up now if you want to have another look. xxx
Thank you for your comment on my set honey <3 The complete set is up now if you want to have another look. xxx
what to get my wife for valentines day? that is the question. flowers i don't go for, too short term. you get no use out of them. i already bought her some crtchless panties and a nightie that i won't wven see her in until june because of where i am. chocolates are too cliche, and jewelery won't do. this sucks
i can't seem to figure out why i used to be so angry all the time. my life really hasn't changed at all yet i seem to be much more easy going, carefree. i've got the whole "ahh fuck it" thing going on. i'm not sure if i have just gotten to the point where i have accepted all of the shit as shit, or...
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why is it that when i am away from my wife i fantasize about her, and when i am with my wife i fantasize about others. maybe its whatever i am not getting. well right now i am not getting anything so i should be fantasizing about pretty much everything. i really don't understand it.
the persuit of perfection leads to nothing but endless disappointment.
thanks for commenting on my set, and happy birthday 

Happy bday yo

choices for the new year, and reflection on last year's. i think the choices that we make aren't really choices at all just reactions. reactions to what has been laid out before us. to spend a lot of time thinking about the choices is the wrong idea. spend more time reflecting on the reason you had to make the choice.
why did i join the...
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why did i join the...
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so out of nowhere last night i had a zombie apocolypse dream. very strange. i was stuck in an office building with an extremely attractive woman. we kept making out to pass the time. needless to say it was a pretty good dream. then i woke up on my bunk in iraq. my heart sank a little as i realized it would never be.
ps thanks for all the love on "The Pink Suite"