So it is Summer again and we all know what that means, LESS HOURS AT WORK my boss is an idiot and she brings in new people for the summer and then they quit when school starts. So with all of my free time I have been switching between going on job interviews and reading at Barnes and Noble. I have started with Kerouac and he is amazing!!!! I wish I could live my life like his main character from on the road but there are several things standing in my way: First, nobody hitchhikes anymore let alone across the country, second, my days of doing drugs are over. and third none of my friends are that crazy so it would not be as much fun of a trip as it is in the book. Oh well, I guess that is why it is called fiction.-Jonathan
""oh, smell the people!' yelled Dean, with his face out the window, sniffing, ah, God, life!" -On the Road