Autumn is coming! Yes, I know. It doesn't quite have the same ring, does it? Anyway, if the weather we're currently experiencing in the UK is anything to go by, autumn is actually here. And pretty miserable it is, too: rain, damp, huge puddles, overflowing drains, rain, falling leaves turning to mulch and, well, rain.
So it's a good job this site exists. And it does. And it is making its existence very keenly felt at present with a host of SG sets dropping this month that are, quite frankly, phenomenal. Here are some of my particular favourites…
@marlene. Oh, my sweet, delectable, beautiful @marlene. With the Amelie-themed Even Artichokes Have Hearts, I feel my favourite Frenchwoman may have just outdone herself. I'm used to seeing Marlene as a haunted silver-locked girl, delicate and radiant, soulful and sensual. This set is a revelation. The exquisite beauty is still there, of course, but, framed by a coquettish dark bob, there's a playfulness and demure sensuality and astonishing lightness to her here. The photography by @jupiter is magical. We follow Marlene through the streets in a series of beautiful portraits before we return to an interior that promises intimacy and beauty. This is a promise on which it duly delivers but then… Lo! Light! Light so glorious it almost threatens to erase the beauty on which it falls, but instead transfigures it into something perfectly luminescent and transcendent, highlighting Marlene's perfectly pure skin and reminding you (in the unlikely event that you had forgotten) exactly why this site is so special. It is a wonderful set.
Love makes fools of us all, apparently, and where @jayde is concerned, a fool is indubitably what I am. @jayde is an incredibly beautiful woman and her new set, shot by @sobelle, showcases her charms perfectly. The hair is vibrant, the artwork intricate and striking, and the smile… well, the smile is entirely the thing. Confident, serene, and flawless, it reaches out of the screen, locates your completely undefended heartstrings and plucks them subtly, gently but oh so insistently. Love makes you do the strangest things, it's true. For @jayde nothing would be too unusual.
I like classic Trek for all sorts of reasons. My teenage self enjoyed the heady mix of adventure, philosophy, exploration and extraordinarily pretty girls in short skirts. What? Don't tell me you watched it for the polystyrene rocks and weird alien latex masks! @avrora is wearing a red shirt in Hooked On A Feeling which is risky in itself, but she wears it well and, perhaps wisely, quickly divests herself of it during the course of the set. (It is a true but little known fact that absolutely no naked tattooed women were ever killed on away missions in the original series.) I've always loved Avrora, but here she looks radiant, enchanting and almost supernaturally beautiful. I have sighed many sighs over her photographs, but none more so than this pic here. She is incredible. And this is a must-see set.
@tripodski knows how to photograph a beautiful woman and @amortentia is extraordinary. Sweet Honeysuckle features her displaying her curves and beautiful art in a series of shots expertly crafted to get your pulse racing. I'm rather afraid I'm a sucker for curvy tattooed goddesses with long dark hair, but Amortentia's secret weapon is her guileless smile which exudes enthusiasm and a joie de vivre which is as infectious as it is bracing. No room for cynicism and ennui with Amortentia around! A fantastic, joyous set.
I've been a @vanp fan for a long while and I've seen her appear in a range of sets including some edgier in tone and sizzling with all sorts of raunchy sensuality. Daydreaming shows a lighter side to her and it is lovely to see. Vanp's gaze is a beautiful and unique thing – incredibly pretty, and suffused with a dark, fragile tenderness that never fails to make me go weak at the knees. This is another @tripodski set and he does a great job with space and light here. Vanp's auburn/ginger hair is stunning and forms a great counterpoint to the lighter background. Starting off in a beautiful black blouse and then revealing some exquisite lingerie, Vanp is gorgeous, classy and here possessed of an almost whimsical tranquillity. And that art... Wow! This is a magical set and is well worth checking out.
And that's it for now. I may well do another one of these over the weekend. There are so many amazing SG sets in MR at the moment. It's impossible to mention them all, but I'll continue to share my thoughts on at least some of them when I have the time all the same. Bye for now!