Well, this has been a busy month: work on the house, back to school, an open evening, a parents’ evening and the start of the marking-planning conflict that will only get more vicious and wearing as the year goes on. Still, there’s always SG to brighten the day. This month has seen some simply stunning sets and below I’ve highlighted just a few of them. As always, the inclusion of sets on this blog does not mean that I thought other sets were in any way not worthy of attention. It’s just that these, for a variety of reasons, caught my eye.
First up, we’ve got @vanp. Shot by the extraordinarily talented @kalincamaki, her set Paradise Circus is a wonderful study in slow, sensual abandonment. She starts off in a very sexy harness which she gradually removes; then she really lets her hair down. That moment of release is beautifully teased and portrayed, forming a genuinely erotically charged moment that showcases Vanp’s seductive beauty effortlessly. Vanp possesses glorious artwork, exquisitely sculpted cheekbones and eyes that project a beguiling mix of sensuality and vulnerability. She is simply amazing and this set is well worth your time.
Next up is @nayru. A fellow Brit, Nayru is sexy voluptuousness personified. In the Devil May Care-inspired set, Devil Trigger, she indulges a femme fatale side that I honestly didn’t know existed. But, boy, she knows how to seduce the camera and the white hair forms a powerful contrast with those wide, beautiful eyes. Nayru’s curves are already legendary and she displays them here to phenomenal effect. Add in some expert photography from @saga (including some effective use of light and shadow) and you’ve got a killer set.
@doce’s set Baby Cat features the aforementioned Brazilian in cat ears and… well, not much else really. If you’re going to wear cat ears for a set, you may as well go full-on cat, and Doce does this very well indeed. She stretches languidly, she licks the back of her paw (sorry… hand) and manages to convey a sense of feline sensuality that is hard to resist. Put bluntly, she’s damn sexy and the set is a wonderful display of Doce’s phenomenal beauty and equally phenomenal body. Fantastic stuff.
@fresa possesses a cool sensuality that is almost hypnotic. She has a way of looking at the camera that communicates desire, elegance and passion, and it is simply electric. Her set Thru is shot by @lady and simply oozes class. While the setting is straightforward, the use of direct sunlight is magical. The pic I’ve chosen to illustrate this set also illustrates my point perfectly. You can feel her feeling the sunlight. You can almost feel the pleasure she gets from it. This is a simple set, but an incredibly erotic one. Fresa has a beauty and poise here that are incredibly powerful. It’s a wonderful set.
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about @tanyabat. With a new set, We Hate Love, out, now is as good a time as any to correct that oversight. Tanyabat is letting her naughtier side out here and it shows rather powerfully. With that provocative title and t-shirt and the equally provocative way she gazes at the camera, the set is an alt pin-up masterpiece. Tanyabat is extraordinarily beautiful and the addition of blue hair only accentuates that. This is a fantastic set well worth checking out.
@scribbles is awesome. One of the first girls I followed on this site, she’s shot here by the ever excellent @gemmaedwardsuk and, again, natural light plays a significant part in the set’s success. Weightless is a wonderful study of a girl who is simply too beautiful for words. (This won’t stop me trying to use them to describe her, though…) She has a beautiful body, beautiful features and her hair frames her face here so prettily, it’s impossible not to feel your heart strings being gently tugged. Again, this is a simple set, but an exemplary one. It conveys warmth, beauty and sensuality perfectly. It’s perhaps my favourite of the sets I’ve mentioned so far.
Finally, @jacqueline. Alright, alright, I’ve blogged about her before, and I admit I may just be a little obsessed with her, but, dammit, there is no one on this site remotely like her. From her languid, soulful expression to her beautiful body to the vibrant art that fizzes and crackles on it, Jacqueline is a walking firecracker of irresistible sensuality. Miss You is a kitchen set. I presume the gas was turned off when @cersei shot it, because nothing seems to have ignited, blown up or exploded during the shooting. Jacqueline starts off on the kitchen top, almost as if defying you to come into the kitchen and start cooking. Which, unless you are completely lacking in any human feeling whatsoever, you are most assuredly not going to do. She then treats the viewer to a strip tease that emphasises just how stunning her body is – and how original her art is – before turning on the seductive charm with a number of shots that focus on her astonishingly beautiful and sensuous face and those eyes that are so deep, so rich, so soulful, you can feel that vertiginous moment when the very core of your being is touched by her beauty. Jacqueline is astonishing and so is this set. Check it out.
That’s it so far. I’d love to do this for every one of the SG sets this month because every one of them has appealed to me on one level or another. Sadly, there’s only so much time in the world and those books won’t mark themselves. (And, believe me, I’ve given that a go from time to time!) 😊