Thank you @missy and @rambo for this topic.
5. Start saving. Do it seriously, regularly and make it a substantial amount each month if you can. Stop buying games you’ll never play, books you’ll never read and DVDs you’ll never watch. That money’ll come in handy in a few years’ time. Trust me.
4. Start exercising. A little a day will do to begin with. I know you think you have an unusually high metabolism and that you can carry your current weight reasonably well. But that metabolism is going to slow down and when it does you’ll start getting concerned about the extra weight. Deal with it now instead of later. It’s less painful that way.
3. Keep writing. I know you’re disheartened about the last rejection, but keep going anyway. Broaden your range of genres, experiment, write for pleasure and fun. Post your shit wherever you can. Don’t give up. Don’t you dare give up. Don’t ever. Bloody. Give up.
2. Go to the doctor now. You are indeed suffering from work-related stress and you don’t have to put up with it. Go see a doctor now. Be honest. Tell him or her how you’re feeling. Don’t hold anything back. You’ll get the help you need and you’ll be a better husband, father, teacher and all-round human being. (You could do with joining this site called Suicide Girls, btw. It’s great therapy, too.)
1. Your son is going to be okay. No, really he is. I know the drinking is freaking you out as are the bouts of rage. I know you’re feeling guilty. I know you’re feeling despair. Keep loving him. Keep being there for him. He’s going to turn out alright. He’ll get a job he loves, fall in love and… Oh, yeah. You’re going to be a grandfather. And, no, that really isn’t as scary as it sounds. In fact, it’s just… wonderful. Oh, yeah. And he will pay for that landing window. Eventually. :)