The wow factor; that certain je ne sais quoi. However you describe it, there will always be sets on this site that stand out because they possess a sense, a vibe, an atmosphere that just connects on a level that is mostly unconscious and thus very difficult to define. That connection will always be personal and as much as I love the sets below and the girls in them, I'm well aware that everyone will have their own favourites. Here, however, is my very partial list of recent hopeful sets that have that enigmatic, mysterious spark.
@stellacox has been a favourite of mine for a while. Wet and Wild dropped today and it is a wonderfully classy set. Stella starts off wearing a rather fetching summer frock before deciding, for reasons known only to herself, to take a shower in it. Yes, it really is as sexy as it sounds. Stella's curves are already assuming legendary status on the internet and here they are defined beautifully by damp cotton and lace which clings alluringly to mesmerising effect. Pace is the key here. Stella is in no hurry to shrug out of her soaked undies. And why should she? She's having too much fun. As, for that matter, are we! Even when she does finally divest herself of her dripping undergarments, she coyly keeps low in the bath, shrouding the glorious curves we've just been eyeballing in shadow. She and photographer @cranky1 make us wait for the big reveal and that is perfectly fine. The tease has been magnificent, the combination of water, natural light and Stella's incredible beauty elevating the set into something approaching perfection. It's wonderful stuff, erotic dynamite.
@jimisin's new set Au Na-Tu-Rel features the beautiful lady herself in a garden setting looking stunning. Photographer @milloux knows what she's doing and Jimisin is a simply amazing subject. Again, natural light features here, but it is of a softer, gentler variety and it bathes Jimisin in a glow of vitality and warmth that is enchanting and... lovely. As well as possessing the kind of body that will make grown men cry, Jimisin has one of the most beautiful and endearing smiles I've ever seen. It is impossible for me to see that smile and not feel my heart skip a beat. This set is gorgeous. Check it out.
A blog that mentions stunning smiles would not be complete without @miss_smiff whose set Meet Me In The Hayloft was released a few days ago. Miss_Smiff was one of the first hopefuls with whom I struck up a friendship on this site and I am overjoyed to see her go from strength to strength in her modeling. Shot by the extremely talented @valo, this set positively fizzes with sexy confidence and, well, that certain something that makes the heart sing. The hair is an astonishing blue; the eyes twinkle with delight or, if you'd prefer, smoulder with a demure sensuality. It's a wonderful set - colourful, creative and sexy without ever losing its refreshing sense of fun. I highly recommend it.
Last set for now (I'm going to post part 2 tomorrow) is @violetwolf's Into The Light, which, again, features natural light in a way that highlights the model's phenomenal beauty. I've been a fan of Violetwolf for a while. She's simply gorgeous and photographer @cersie takes advantage of the outdoor setting to present her beauty in a fresh and vibrant way. The hair and art are beautiful; the curves voluptuous and sexy. But it's Violetwolf's sheer sense of fun that comes through in these shots and forges that connection between model and viewer I mentioned earlier. It's another must-see set.
You'll have noticed by now that there are some common threads here. Natural light is one of them. Beautiful, infectious smiles are another. Girls who let an aspect or portion of their personalities show in their pictures will always appeal to me, and the girls featured above do that to a greater or lesser extent. Their sets are well worth your time.
Part 2 tomorrow! :)