Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? But here, belatedly, are five hopeful sets you really should have a look at. Really.
First up, is @avenir, who is from Chesterfield and possesses a wistful, demure beauty that, to be honest, I find utterly irresistible. Her set Contemporary showcases her very well. Starting off in a very conservative sweater and skirt, she quickly divests herself of her stylish outerwear to reveal not only some beautifully delicate lingerie, but also some very pretty artwork on flawless pale skin. To say that I am enchanted would be a bit of an understatement. Give her set a look and give her the chance to work her magic on you.
@sivir released a set recently that has to be seen to be believed. Metaphysical is an apt name, because this set does indeed transcend the purely physical realm and transport the viewer into something approaching a perfect spiritual state. My guess is that it's the smile that does that. Although, to be fair, the curves, the purple hair and the sheer, alluring confidence of the model may have something to do with it too. In any case, this is a set to savour. Really, really savour.
A new set from @lady is always welcome. Quite Contrary takes the nursery rhyme as its theme, plants Lady in a garden of beautiful flowers and lets her outdo the garden effortlessly when it comes to colour, elegance, beauty and sheer joyous life. A big claim, you might say. But look at the picture below and try to deny it. Lady rocks. It really is about time she was made pink. Past time, really. This is an excellent, pink-worthy set.
@cigno's latest set Silver Lining is her best one yet. Has she arrived as an alternative glamour model? This set would seem to suggest so. Her artwork is phenomenal, her posing effortlessly sensual, her beauty compelling and her love affair with the camera is here consummated in a lens-melting union of @cdo's skill and Cigno's refined but nevertheless searing sexiness. I honestly don't know what the cloud is here. I can't see one. But the silver... the silver is refined, smooth and gloriously beautiful. A set that demands your attention.
@jessaskittles is a fantastic photographer and incredibly pretty girl. In her self-shot set, Didn't We Meet, the tone is moody and there's a smouldering sensuality to the shots. I've always loved Jessaskittles' more whimsical side, but here she is just downright sexy. There are a number of shots in which she is in varying stages of undress that are powerfully erotic; the creativity and appeal of many of these pics is irresistible. A surprisingly intimate and relentlessly sexy set.
And that's it for now. There are tons more hopeful sets from the last few weeks that are worth checking out too. 2017 has started rather well. :)