Descending from the heavens on wings of gold (or, if you prefer, plummeting towards us mere mortals like a Space Marine drop ship, the promise of deliverance roaring from its engines), three SG sets have hit the site today and I am stunned, overwhelmed and utterly gobsmacked by their sheer quality.
July 19th. Remember that date. For that, ladies and gentlemen, is when we were given...
@Brunabruce. The set's name is Porcelain and it features the aforementioned Brunabruce in a bath. And she is stunning. Brunabruce's attributes are many - hair that is a rich, vibrant red; pale, flawless skin on which is inked intricate and beautiful tattoos (the highlight of which might just be the sleeve that features recurring moth and rose motifs and a beautifully gothic skull); sumptuously curvaceous body. All of these are, on their own, enough to recommend this set, but... But they are by no means the most striking of Brunabruce's characteristics. No, that honour must go to her gaze - clear, startlingly blue eyes, suffused with a confidence and assuredness that quite takes the breath away.
She is a star is Brunabruce. A true goddess. A new set from her would be cause enough for celebration, but no... The gods of SG are not finished with us yet...
Carrying on the theme of water, @bully's latest set hit the site just over 12 hours ago. River Bed is a beautiful set that takes full advantage of its outdoor setting and features a number of photos of Bully either on the river bank or in the river itself. Bully's beauty is self-evident: long dark hair, beautiful body, graceful and elegant posing. Bully's long been a star of this site and this set simply affirms that status. The set is bold, dramatic and sunlit, and Bully herself is utterly enchanting. There's a touching modesty to some of the earlier pics and an invigorating joie de vivre in the later ones of her in the river. She is magnificent and so is the set. It is most definitely worth perusing.
Finally, a multi-set featuring the legendary @phecda and the stunning @keshia. You'll have to excuse me while I gather my thoughts about Intimacy. To be honest, I'm tempted just to leave this here...
I'm compelled, though, at least to try and express just how I feel about this set. @tripodski is the photographer and he's simply done a phenomenal job bringing these two beauties together. The set's name is entirely justified. The intimacy between these two is evident right from the start. It is there in the way they look (or don't look) at one another; it is there in the gentle, small but telling movements they make - a hand on a shoulder, a whisper in a willing ear. Dammit, this is hot, but not in the manner of your average porn site. There is feeling here, a sense of tenderness... And they involve us. Perhaps the cleverest - the most powerful - elements of this set are the frequent glances to the camera, the clear awareness of its (and, by extension, our) presence. We assume the role of voyeur (a role that is made more explicit by the shot partially obscured by the open bedroom door) and stand on the threshold of becoming something else - an actor in the scene that's unfolding before us? Perhaps. They certainly know we're there...
Does it need to be said that Phecda and Keshia are, in very different ways, astonishingly beautiful? Probably not, but I'll say it anyway. They complement each other incredibly well. There is only one kiss in the entire set. It would be very easy to post it here, but I'm disinclined to do so, because you deserve to experience it as it should be experienced - as a beautiful, gentle finale to the set as a whole, a moment - the moment - of intimacy to which the rest of the set has been building. It's a wonderful, magical ending to a truly amazing set. On a site of many wonders, overflowing with beauty and grace and enchantment, I am not exaggerating when I say that this set is very very special indeed and that the image that completes it is the single most beautiful thing I've seen in a very long while.
If you haven't seen it already, you really do need to get a move on! :D
July 19th 2016. The angels descended. Glorious!