I know I've been quiet the last few weeks. I've found it difficult to keep up with things, partly because work's been so busy. Last week, I visited Cambridge, taking some of our students there for the university's open day. While the journey down was a bit of a nightmare (spending all morning on the M6 was not in the itinerary!), once we got there, the trip was exceptionally pleasant and, dare I say it, rather relaxing. We're moving in to the final couple of weeks of what has been a pretty stressful term which started with an Ofsted inspection and included a busy exam season. The end, though, is in sight and, for this teacher at least, it's very welcome. :)
I should point out that I'm well aware that teachers have a (justified) reputation for moaning about their jobs. I don't wish to imply that teaching is any more difficult than any other profession. I will just say, though, that this teacher really needs a break! :D (And the Cambridge trip was a nice change of pace.)
Anyhoo, here's a couple of pics taken from our punt on the river. The college where we were staying had arranged it for us and very nice it was too!
This is King's College. As you can probably tell, we punted in the late evening. There's something very pleasant about that evening light... :)
And this is (I think) Clare College. Very nice building...
And this is my favourite pic. It's (I think) St John's College. I just love the ivy on the walls. So much character... :)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the long summer which should include a bit of travelling. Hope everyone's doing well and I'll try to update more often. :)