... weak at the knees.
There are so many beautiful girls on this site, that it seems almost perverse to select any for special treatment. Here are three Brits and a Brazilian, however, whose sets and blog updates I particularly get excited for...
@Chad is just perfect. Her latest Harry Potter-themed set (Mischief Managed) is in MR and well worth a look. I've never seen anyone wear a jumper quite that sexily. I've never seen anyone read a book naked with quite such jawdropping elegance, either. She's fantastic and I became a fan the first time I saw her when I joined the site last year. Beautiful woman!
Dear Lord, @alicesey is incredible. A pretty, slender girl who, presumably, is responsible for causing all sorts of traffic problems wherever she goes, she's got a fantastic look - beautiful hair, elegant bearing, stunning curves. I'm desperate to see more sets from her. Somebody make this happen! Please... (I know that pathetic whining is never an attractive form of behaviour, but I'm willing to take the hit in dignity if it means more sets!)
@Jacqueline is our Brazilian and... Dammit, just look at that body art. It's so sexy, so modern, so full of energy and Jacqueline herself is so sexy it's unreal. Love this girl!
I'm not sure that it's necessary (or possible) to put into words what I love about @Jessicalou . My advice is just to stare at the above pic for a bit and, well, feel the warmth!
My admiration for all four of the above girls just grows and grows. Each new blog, each new photo set, is an event for me! (And perhaps most exciting of all, we've got a multi set between Jessicalou and Chad to look forward to in the very near future. Truly, the Gods of SG are gracious! :))
Bye for now! :)