I don't have much to write about. With a whole lot of nothing going on, I've been investing most of my time into my classes and home projects. Finished my office space (a moody green on the walls, marble contact paper for my desk/filing cabinets, and a bitchin collection of unicorns), and now onto my bedroom. I love painting walls, but I hate prepping the rooms.
Trying to tape the trim and lay down painters plastic without enticing my cats is damn near impossible. One screams at me for cuddles, and the other insists on trying to shove as much plastic as possible into his mouth.
After stepping on one accidentally while moving furniture, I decided it was time for a break. I cleared the rest of my day out to snuggle.
The one on top of the blankets is the plastic eater. The one under the blankies is the princess who is relentless in her pursuit of attention.
Should be productive, but the jury ruled a lazy sunday🖤