ok im ready, more than ever for my virgin skin to be inked. i want something on my upper or lower back, but i dont know what, i wanna keep color to a minimum. and i wanna stick to tribal/celtic. i think the one i drew is gonna wait. but im so picky i dont want to just go to the place and say "oh this # 34095689675 off the wall will do" i want something original and unique-ish. im also picky about where to go.
soo any one have design ideas?
soo any one have design ideas?
My idea involves some sort of infinity symbol with Celtic junk, but I'm no artist so I need someone to draw up a design for me.
That, and the picture in my head'll probably run me close to 900 bucks...
In the meantime, I shall settle for my Clan emblem. Always a good fall back: simple, small, cheap (relatively), and it just screams "Cooler than you"