I got Painted by Stuart Pearson Wright

see my photshoots folder for full thing
The exhibition is running untill mid Febuary here Riflemaker gallery
The painting sold for a huige amount, i wish I could have bought it, but I am not that rich! This portrait of me is also in the Uk GQ magazine, so finally made it into a mainstream lads mag! lol ;p
I am back in London and I love it, work is picking up and Im still studying, I turn 30 on March 16th wich is incredibly scary. I am getting a new bald kitty to keep Han Solo company as my main pressie. I am trying not to dwell on being 30 its strange, I dont care about getting older at all, but its still a milestone. Birthday Wishlist
Anyway nothing else exciting to report
Love to all

see my photshoots folder for full thing
The exhibition is running untill mid Febuary here Riflemaker gallery
The painting sold for a huige amount, i wish I could have bought it, but I am not that rich! This portrait of me is also in the Uk GQ magazine, so finally made it into a mainstream lads mag! lol ;p
I am back in London and I love it, work is picking up and Im still studying, I turn 30 on March 16th wich is incredibly scary. I am getting a new bald kitty to keep Han Solo company as my main pressie. I am trying not to dwell on being 30 its strange, I dont care about getting older at all, but its still a milestone. Birthday Wishlist
Anyway nothing else exciting to report
Love to all

Thats badass!!
I'll be in London at the end of November. Will you be around? It would be cool to see you again.