Time for an update!
What has been going on in the world of me? Too much to be honest. I have moved house, but now have to move again, potentially I may be homeless for January. But this has me thinking that I may just go away for 3 weeks, I was going in Feb to California (San Fran and LA mostly), but well timing and all..plus if i spend longer in San Francisco I can get more of a feel for living there...but this is all mere conjecture. I do need a holiday though, I have not had one day off in a year! I havent been on holiday or anything, just away for festival and work stuff and I really need some me time. I have started saving and i am determined, and I have to get to Australia too, my best friend needs me, why cant she live in California damn it!
I got a new tattoo, i am trying to post a pic but its not happening..I now have Evil Edna on my leg, she's from a cartoon series called Willow the Wisp, she is a witch, and in the shape of a television! My tongue is great all healed and there will be pics soon. I can talk normally, and do everything like i used to but with the added bonus of freaking some people out! I have ended my relationships with some of the closed minded people I know, but I knew that was going to happen. Only one downside is that I cant play my Saxophone anymore! I just need to retrain my tongue a little I think, if not I will have to find another instrument to play..
Speaking of relationships, someone almost put a dampner on my awesome weeknd. A supposed good friend of mine is going on a date with my ex. Now i was with my ex for 4 years, we lived together and were going to get married. It ended all rather badly, 3 years ago and we no longer speak, I dont love him anymore BUT... i think thats a really shitty thing for a 'friend' to do. In fact she is no longer my friend. I am a fiercely loyal person, and I have 2 simple rules which I always abide by 1) Never go near your friends exes and 2) I will always stick up for my friends if other people are slagging them off. IS it really too much to expect the same in return? If it was some silly fling i wouldnt give a fuck, but this is different. Well I cut him out of my life so no doubt doing the same to her wont be difficult.
I have seen sooooo many bands in the past few weeks, some work related, some not. Some have been so awesome, Slayer, Mastodon and Amon Amarth were amazing and it was nice to see my friends after so long. Some of the bands I work for are a bit meh, so I wont go into those, but Rancid just finished their tour here and they were great, I had a fantastic weekend, all the other bands that played with them were super nice and really good, my job is awesome sometimes, and I cant stop smiling from all the fun i had. Im off to see Airbourne tommorrow, which will be ace, then at the weekend Genghis Tron are here so i have lots to look forward to.
My embroidery is coming along nicely and I will post some pictures soon, I think its important for everyone to have a creative outlet, over the next few months I am going to be focusing more on that side of me as I have neglected it a bit. hopefully this will also help me stop drinking. I have cut down, but sometimes I still go way too far, I black out (loads)and I do and say stuff that is bad. I have no self control, i need to stay away from all drugs as much as possible. I managed to quit all my tranquilisers, i just really have to try. I find it so hard to be in social situations without a drink, but i have got to "man up' quite frankly. I am actually quite a shy person and I find being around new or lots of people quite odd. And lets face it, I am quite odd myself...ha ha
Anyway question for you all, should i dye my blonde hair pillar box red??
Love to All
What has been going on in the world of me? Too much to be honest. I have moved house, but now have to move again, potentially I may be homeless for January. But this has me thinking that I may just go away for 3 weeks, I was going in Feb to California (San Fran and LA mostly), but well timing and all..plus if i spend longer in San Francisco I can get more of a feel for living there...but this is all mere conjecture. I do need a holiday though, I have not had one day off in a year! I havent been on holiday or anything, just away for festival and work stuff and I really need some me time. I have started saving and i am determined, and I have to get to Australia too, my best friend needs me, why cant she live in California damn it!
I got a new tattoo, i am trying to post a pic but its not happening..I now have Evil Edna on my leg, she's from a cartoon series called Willow the Wisp, she is a witch, and in the shape of a television! My tongue is great all healed and there will be pics soon. I can talk normally, and do everything like i used to but with the added bonus of freaking some people out! I have ended my relationships with some of the closed minded people I know, but I knew that was going to happen. Only one downside is that I cant play my Saxophone anymore! I just need to retrain my tongue a little I think, if not I will have to find another instrument to play..
Speaking of relationships, someone almost put a dampner on my awesome weeknd. A supposed good friend of mine is going on a date with my ex. Now i was with my ex for 4 years, we lived together and were going to get married. It ended all rather badly, 3 years ago and we no longer speak, I dont love him anymore BUT... i think thats a really shitty thing for a 'friend' to do. In fact she is no longer my friend. I am a fiercely loyal person, and I have 2 simple rules which I always abide by 1) Never go near your friends exes and 2) I will always stick up for my friends if other people are slagging them off. IS it really too much to expect the same in return? If it was some silly fling i wouldnt give a fuck, but this is different. Well I cut him out of my life so no doubt doing the same to her wont be difficult.
I have seen sooooo many bands in the past few weeks, some work related, some not. Some have been so awesome, Slayer, Mastodon and Amon Amarth were amazing and it was nice to see my friends after so long. Some of the bands I work for are a bit meh, so I wont go into those, but Rancid just finished their tour here and they were great, I had a fantastic weekend, all the other bands that played with them were super nice and really good, my job is awesome sometimes, and I cant stop smiling from all the fun i had. Im off to see Airbourne tommorrow, which will be ace, then at the weekend Genghis Tron are here so i have lots to look forward to.
My embroidery is coming along nicely and I will post some pictures soon, I think its important for everyone to have a creative outlet, over the next few months I am going to be focusing more on that side of me as I have neglected it a bit. hopefully this will also help me stop drinking. I have cut down, but sometimes I still go way too far, I black out (loads)and I do and say stuff that is bad. I have no self control, i need to stay away from all drugs as much as possible. I managed to quit all my tranquilisers, i just really have to try. I find it so hard to be in social situations without a drink, but i have got to "man up' quite frankly. I am actually quite a shy person and I find being around new or lots of people quite odd. And lets face it, I am quite odd myself...ha ha
Anyway question for you all, should i dye my blonde hair pillar box red??
Love to All

I say yes to pillarbox but the only thing that sucks is how fast it turns to pink...2 washings and its gone.