Jezabel is now the owner of a split tongue! I was gonna make this a members only entry cos there are some people who check up on me on here, who I'd rather not know...but Fuck it. One of my friends said she'd never speak to me again, one of my old lovers said he wouldnt go near me again either...which i think is rather sad. I think the whole thing seems a lot worse than it is. Its my body, I have wanted it done for ages, and if you are going to be that judgemental I'd rather not have you in my life anyway.
So last night I met Howie( it was done, It didnt hurt, but the adrealin rush was intense. The worse part so far is the gauze at night(you have to out it in to stop it healing togther) and pulling that off in the morning is serious ow. The stitches are funny, and get in the way when I talk but they will come out Saturday..I am so glad I did it. I promised I wouldnt post any pics until its healed so watch this space!
Love to all,
Jezabel is now the owner of a split tongue! I was gonna make this a members only entry cos there are some people who check up on me on here, who I'd rather not know...but Fuck it. One of my friends said she'd never speak to me again, one of my old lovers said he wouldnt go near me again either...which i think is rather sad. I think the whole thing seems a lot worse than it is. Its my body, I have wanted it done for ages, and if you are going to be that judgemental I'd rather not have you in my life anyway.
So last night I met Howie( it was done, It didnt hurt, but the adrealin rush was intense. The worse part so far is the gauze at night(you have to out it in to stop it healing togther) and pulling that off in the morning is serious ow. The stitches are funny, and get in the way when I talk but they will come out Saturday..I am so glad I did it. I promised I wouldnt post any pics until its healed so watch this space!
Love to all,

oooh how did the do it then? I've seen the slow method of separating the tongue using a tongue piercing. Can't wait to see! x x x
can't wait to see the pics