As suggested by SGUK.........
Is Jezabel your real name?
No of course not, but it was a nickname for many years, and lots of people do call me Jez all the time. My real name is Nina, so feel free to use one or both.
Are you really a Vegan? Or is that tattoo for fun?
Uh? is that a real question? yes of course. I am not going to lecture you though, live and let live is what I say.
Thats fine, but what do you actually eat?
Like most people I eat food, everything apart from Meat and Dairy surprisingly enough.
Are you Straight Edge too?
Fuck no, anyone who knows me knows i am a very bad influence and drink/shove as much powder up my nose as possible( although i am laying off the bad stuff at the moment)
What are you drinking then?
ohh i'll have a cider wait make that a vodka and soda with fresh lime(its my lame attempt at being healthier)
So whats it like living with Cakemix?
Alas i no longer live there, but it was great she is the best most fun housemate/mom ever
You look quite scary, do you enjoy being intimidating?
Yes and no, I am actually a very silly fluffy person, but I can be colder than Mayday from a view to a kill, just come talk to me, if you are a moron, you will get met with a moronic esponse, if you are not I am actually quite nice.
Why do you have Fragile/Handle with Care tattooed on your neck?
its whats on Semtex packaging. Nuff said.
What do you actually do?
For work you mean? I work in Music PR and Tour booking, I work with mostly Metal, Punk and Hardcore bands, no I am not writing a list because thats just dumb.I am one of the lucky people in this world who loves their job more than anything. I also have been known to take my clothes off for money, and work in a Dungeon.
A Dungeon?
So if I take you on a date will you listen/help my band?
No, because if i havent heard of them already they are probably no good, and that kind of question makes you sound like a douche, and well, just go fuck yourself really.
So what music do you actually like anyway?
I hate questions like that, I love all of it and none, right now I am listening to the Subhumans very loudly, I hate the band section on the profile, i hate top 10's. I mainly listen to Punk, Hardcore and Metal. But I also dip into Jazz, Hip Hop and a whole loads of other crap.
When are you doing a new set?
when i feel like it(which actually may be in a few weeks)
I noticed many typos, whats up are you dumb?
No, I am Dyspraxic if you dont know what that means look here. I'm 'special', but i still have a meh.
Finally can i put my finger in your flesh tunnel, they are quite big...
yep 28mm currently and I'm going up to 30mm, and no, i dont understand peoples fascination with putting their finger through my ear..dont you have anything better to do?
Love to all,
Is Jezabel your real name?
No of course not, but it was a nickname for many years, and lots of people do call me Jez all the time. My real name is Nina, so feel free to use one or both.
Are you really a Vegan? Or is that tattoo for fun?
Uh? is that a real question? yes of course. I am not going to lecture you though, live and let live is what I say.
Thats fine, but what do you actually eat?
Like most people I eat food, everything apart from Meat and Dairy surprisingly enough.
Are you Straight Edge too?
Fuck no, anyone who knows me knows i am a very bad influence and drink/shove as much powder up my nose as possible( although i am laying off the bad stuff at the moment)
What are you drinking then?
ohh i'll have a cider wait make that a vodka and soda with fresh lime(its my lame attempt at being healthier)
So whats it like living with Cakemix?
Alas i no longer live there, but it was great she is the best most fun housemate/mom ever
You look quite scary, do you enjoy being intimidating?
Yes and no, I am actually a very silly fluffy person, but I can be colder than Mayday from a view to a kill, just come talk to me, if you are a moron, you will get met with a moronic esponse, if you are not I am actually quite nice.
Why do you have Fragile/Handle with Care tattooed on your neck?
its whats on Semtex packaging. Nuff said.
What do you actually do?
For work you mean? I work in Music PR and Tour booking, I work with mostly Metal, Punk and Hardcore bands, no I am not writing a list because thats just dumb.I am one of the lucky people in this world who loves their job more than anything. I also have been known to take my clothes off for money, and work in a Dungeon.
A Dungeon?
So if I take you on a date will you listen/help my band?
No, because if i havent heard of them already they are probably no good, and that kind of question makes you sound like a douche, and well, just go fuck yourself really.
So what music do you actually like anyway?
I hate questions like that, I love all of it and none, right now I am listening to the Subhumans very loudly, I hate the band section on the profile, i hate top 10's. I mainly listen to Punk, Hardcore and Metal. But I also dip into Jazz, Hip Hop and a whole loads of other crap.
When are you doing a new set?
when i feel like it(which actually may be in a few weeks)
I noticed many typos, whats up are you dumb?
No, I am Dyspraxic if you dont know what that means look here. I'm 'special', but i still have a meh.
Finally can i put my finger in your flesh tunnel, they are quite big...
yep 28mm currently and I'm going up to 30mm, and no, i dont understand peoples fascination with putting their finger through my ear..dont you have anything better to do?
Love to all,

haha i love these F.A.Q.s .. do people really ask you?
My grandparents started a mutual fund for my brother and I when we were born. They had appreciated quite nicely when I started Uni, but depreciated drastically since the real estate crisis. I had planned on using that money as a down-payment on a house, but now that's not going to happen