Well, well,
I spent the weekend at my mothers for the first tme in ages and got fed, seriously she cooked so much and made me all these great puddings and stuff, it was awesome and very peaceful, I miss the countryside.
I am off to Download Festival this weekend, Municipal Waste, The Dillinger Escape Plan and Testament!? hoorah! Most of the rest of the line up is utter crap though, so to rectify this, I am also going to Hellfest.I mean yes it is in France but I wouldnt miss Slayer, plus Sick Of It All, NOFX, Motorhead and a whole host of other goodness will be there, so it would be silly not to.
On Monday i get to go to The Metal Hammer Awards and I am so very excitied about that, I am planning my outfit, it seems like forever since i dressed up.
I stole this idea from a thread I just responded to in the groups.No doubt i will add more.
Here are my not so secret secrets, my quirks, I too am a moron..see below:
-I obsess over how long it takes people to reply to emails, if its more than a day i worry if i've pissed someone off or not, even though it takes me forever to reply to emails and i am quite flaky about communication in general.
- I drink a minimum of 6 cups of coffee a day
-I go through phases of being the most outgoing and animated person in the room one day , but then suddenly switch to the most quiet and introverted the next.
-I suffer from a plethora of social phobias, which i generally mask pretty well, sometimes i can be so akward and its fustrating becuase i dont know why.
-I obbsess over tiny details or things i said/did constantly
- I hate crossing roads
-My bedroom is constantly a tip
- I fall over knock into things all the time and always have bruises
-I take what people say very literally
-Forgiveness is something i dont think i am capable of.
-I love going round old buildings and castles and am a total history geek.
-I cannot leave spots/pimples alone.
-I still sleep with my favourie soft toy (i had him since i was 3)
-I procrastinate too much
-I drink waaaay too much cider
- I prefer to have a few very good friends than a million 'mates'
-I sleep on my front
-I love watching programmes on TV that old people love like columbo and diagnosis murder and murder she wrote.
-I always fall alseep when reading
_ i go to work drunk from the night before all the time
Hmm thats all I can think of for now.
Love to all
I spent the weekend at my mothers for the first tme in ages and got fed, seriously she cooked so much and made me all these great puddings and stuff, it was awesome and very peaceful, I miss the countryside.
I am off to Download Festival this weekend, Municipal Waste, The Dillinger Escape Plan and Testament!? hoorah! Most of the rest of the line up is utter crap though, so to rectify this, I am also going to Hellfest.I mean yes it is in France but I wouldnt miss Slayer, plus Sick Of It All, NOFX, Motorhead and a whole host of other goodness will be there, so it would be silly not to.
On Monday i get to go to The Metal Hammer Awards and I am so very excitied about that, I am planning my outfit, it seems like forever since i dressed up.
I stole this idea from a thread I just responded to in the groups.No doubt i will add more.
Here are my not so secret secrets, my quirks, I too am a moron..see below:
-I obsess over how long it takes people to reply to emails, if its more than a day i worry if i've pissed someone off or not, even though it takes me forever to reply to emails and i am quite flaky about communication in general.
- I drink a minimum of 6 cups of coffee a day
-I go through phases of being the most outgoing and animated person in the room one day , but then suddenly switch to the most quiet and introverted the next.
-I suffer from a plethora of social phobias, which i generally mask pretty well, sometimes i can be so akward and its fustrating becuase i dont know why.
-I obbsess over tiny details or things i said/did constantly
- I hate crossing roads
-My bedroom is constantly a tip
- I fall over knock into things all the time and always have bruises
-I take what people say very literally
-Forgiveness is something i dont think i am capable of.
-I love going round old buildings and castles and am a total history geek.
-I cannot leave spots/pimples alone.
-I still sleep with my favourie soft toy (i had him since i was 3)
-I procrastinate too much
-I drink waaaay too much cider
- I prefer to have a few very good friends than a million 'mates'
-I sleep on my front
-I love watching programmes on TV that old people love like columbo and diagnosis murder and murder she wrote.
-I always fall alseep when reading
_ i go to work drunk from the night before all the time
Hmm thats all I can think of for now.
Love to all
